Blog | Page 37 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University



I remember that the word testament and testicles have etymological origins in common. Early swearing on the Torah was not always possible before the printing press. Often it was told that men would take an oath on each other’s thighs or even under each other’s thighs. Due to the fact that the oath was a testimony, shy scholars had substituted balls or testicles with the words: ‘thigh’, stones or underthighs. The image is of men holding each other’s cojones cupped in each other’s hands during an oath, this is testimony.

a few notes on foam

Pertaining to the castration of Uranus’ Penis by his son, there is the question of the meaning of the word foam. According to the mythos, Uranus’ penis was dropped in the ocean and the bubbles or the foam from the dismembered shevacadoo mixing in the ocean went on to form Aphrodite. Upon reading about the foam of the castration, I immediately thought it was sperm leaking out from the severed testicles of Uranus.

the genitals fell into the much-surging sea

“you can check lines 188-190 of Hesiod's Theogyny ‘they fell from the mainland into the much-surging sea, so that the sea carried them for a long time.’ Therefore, no reference to the place where the genitals fell, but if you keep reading “lines 190-200 from the foam around them in the sea Aphrodite was created near the island of Kythira (south of the Pelloponese) and from there she follows to Cyprus (next to Turkey).

Not the clear-sighted

I found this fog quote attributed to Joseph Conrad and I made a little sketch for it: “It is not the clear-sighted who rule the world. Great achievements are accomplished in a blessed, warm fog.”

The Fog

Since I arrived at the Djerassi residency I have been particularly fascinated by the fog that rolls up the mountains at night (I guess you can tell it’s my first time on the West coast) so I have been drawing and thinking a lot about fog lately.

A working protocol


Got the electroporator to Djerassi Scientific Delirium residency... Considering using my sperm... And some centipedes" DNA... Wondering if you have any sense as to a DIY sperm salt rinse media/protocol and refresh media... I mean like Gatorade grade materials... I'm way out in the mountains.


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To: Adam Zaretsky