Halfway Point | Leonardo/ISAST

Halfway Point

By Christine Lee
      Last night several residents and I were watching composer and scientist Eathan Janney perform an impressive improvisational piano piece. I recall the sounds coming from the piano as he translated his thoughts and feelings, the warmth of the room from the wood stove, the way everyone was sitting or stretching out comfortably while he played, and the conversation that ensued from his performance regarding his approach and our responses to the piece.   I think about the details of that evening and how they are reflective of the organic and supportive nature of this residency. The fluid exchange of stories, experiences, thoughts, scientific data and research, and the brainstorming of possible collaborative projects happen anytime and anywhere.  Whether during walks, breaks, short rehearsals or mini performances, while eating meals or playing games, there is a high level of engagement that my fellow residents are willing to participate in. The atmosphere has a nice balance of natural curiosity, humor and respect.   Today marks the halfway point of the Scientific Delirium Madness residency and the revelation that I have known these people for only two weeks is kind of shocking. I am currently finding a balance between working on the in-progress projects and pieces I brought with, and the new ideas and possible collaborations that are developing (see images below, more to come). I am extremely excited for the potential of the ideas being generated. I find myself repeating how lucky I am to be here right now (sometimes silently, sometimes out loud) with such an inspiring, creative, intelligent and thoughtful group.   C interwovenlabs.com IMG_0989 IMG_1063 IMG_1074 IMG_1076