Flight of the centiSperm
Submitted by Adam Zaretsky on Tuesday, 08/02/2016 1:09pmFlight of the centiSperm David Bowen a collaboration with Adam Zaretsky So David Bowen came up with this idea of using the centiSperm as a data set for flying his drone. He and Asa Calow shit talked some tech and David built a rotating four well conductivity meter dubbed the Jizalizer 3030.
Twitter rain at Djerassi SDM
Submitted by Weidong Yang on Sunday, 07/31/2016 1:56amTwitter rain installation was created at the old barn during the Djerassi open house day on July 24th, 2016. The installation is part of a series of preliminary experiments, with the goal of translating data into sensory experiences.
All election related tweets on July 19th were collected and used as data point for the installation. We identified top 9 hashtags of that day, assigned each hashtag to a IV drip station. We then played back tweets as water drops from those IV drips.
centiSperm Product Orientation Seminar
Submitted by Adam Zaretsky on Friday, 07/29/2016 3:13pmElectroporation Protocol, the making of centiSperm
Submitted by Adam Zaretsky on Wednesday, 07/27/2016 3:07pmcentiSperm DIY Protocol: Centipede DNA Isolation
Submitted by Adam Zaretsky on Wednesday, 07/27/2016 8:38amcentiSperm DIY Protocol: Sperm Desalination
Submitted by Adam Zaretsky on Wednesday, 07/27/2016 8:32amTestimony
Submitted by Adam Zaretsky on Wednesday, 07/27/2016 8:03amI remember that the word testament and testicles have etymological origins in common. Early swearing on the Torah was not always possible before the printing press. Often it was told that men would take an oath on each other’s thighs or even under each other’s thighs. Due to the fact that the oath was a testimony, shy scholars had substituted balls or testicles with the words: ‘thigh’, stones or underthighs. The image is of men holding each other’s cojones cupped in each other’s hands during an oath, this is testimony.
a few notes on foam
Submitted by Adam Zaretsky on Tuesday, 07/26/2016 3:27pmLeonardo community: HELP DEFINING ReQUEST _ SHLAVACADOO
Submitted by Adam Zaretsky on Tuesday, 07/26/2016 2:57pmShevakadoo: body remainders, any part of a human separated from the main body, esp. referring to the taboo surrounding leftover flesh parts.