Blog | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


Future Fossils and Glaze Dreams

Using the Djerassi clay, I began to test out an idea that I had been thinking about for the last year. As part of my project Total Archive, I had conceptualized interspecies ghost creatures which would be amalgamated forms algorithmically generated from the IUCN Red List. I wanted to make negative impressions of these hybrid creatures as future fossils—remnants of our current endangered species for a speculative future. I made a few prototypes from the Djerassi clay for the Djerassi land.



Image Credit: Courtesy of SIGGRAPH

We are excited to announce that Leonardo Contributor Tamiko Thiel will be a featured presenter on Wednesday, 31 July 2024, at LASER Talks Arts & Sciences: Telluride 2024. The tenth LASER in a series of twevle, this event will connect live with SIGGRAPH in Denver to explore the ecological economics of information. This promises to be an insightful session, highlighting Thiel's ongoing commitment to innovation and interdisciplinary dialogue.

What the Land Holds

As promised, here is an update on our wild clay ventures. Over the past weeks leading up to our Open Studios with Leonardo@Djerassi, a group of us processed the collected materials from the riverside cliffs. This was an exercise in patience. The raw clay material had a significant amount of redwood tree detritus mixed into it, so we added water to bring everything to a slurry. This took several days and many buckets! We then filtered all of the material through a 60 mesh screen. We then let the clay settle to the bottom and poured off excess water.

notes on not opening the black box (open studios 2024)

Fiery Mist



For the past few days, the mist is being particularly electric as it tenaciously sculpts the landscape. On Sunday morning bright and early we went to catch the new moon low tide in Moss Beach. Lots of new non-human friends such as anemones, crustaceans and hermit crabs to add to my current list of hawks, crickets, gophers and alligator lizards...