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It’s Time

It’s Time is a conversation between Prof. Sean Cubitt (Goldsmiths and Harvard) and Prof. Lanfranco Aceti (MIT and BU) on issues of time and its relationship to the contemporary databased and mediated narratives. The lecture will take place in the Plimpton Room, Barker Center, Room 133, Harvard University on Monday, December 4, 2017, from 6:30pm to 8:00 pm.

Recognition of Leonardo’s Outstanding Peer Reviewers

As a result of 50 years of publishing work on the cutting edge, Leonardo has become the leading international peer-reviewed journal on the use of contemporary science and technology in the arts and music and, increasingly, the application and influence of the arts, design and humanities on science and technology. In the United States, this phenomenon is sometimes called “STEM to STEAM.”

A catalog of wishes - Part 3

The following are a selection of the wishes for the future generated by audience members who attended my performances of Between the Wish and the Thing at the Boulder International Fringe Festival, August 18-26, 2017:

I wish for the earth to be more green and have more whales.

I wish that he could be free.

I wish to learn how to dance.

I wish to find the perfect hat.

I wish for you to have less worry and less pain in the body.


Even the gophers struggle

Tunnelling in dense caked dirt.

Fissures grow deeper

Widening the space between the plaques of dry brittle grass 

The matter straining, stiffening,

As each molecule of water evaporates.


Paralysis holds the nutrients in place, 

Greedily restraining what tries to grow.


Dig, plant, nourish,

Listen, prune then flourish. 



We need some flux 

For anything to thrive.


The CUSP: from finite time singularities to breaking waves

Focusing light at the bottom of a tea cup is an every day experience, but a precise observation of the light pattern shows a very simple but singular bright curve with a clearly recognizable pattern. The lines where the light rays focus are called caustics that merge in a CUSP. The mathematical description of these types of singular curves can be found in the classification of  "Catastrophes" by Mathematician  René Thom.


Project Delphi FAQ's

1.  What should be submitted?

This should be your pet project, greatest idea, most lauded work, what you want others to see, what you want to get funded, or a project you want to promote for collaboration opportunities.