LASER Talks | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


LASER Virtual Streaming

Leonardo/ISAST LASER Talks is a program of international gatherings that bring artists, scientists, humanists and technologists together for informal presentations, performances and conversations with the wider public. The mission of LASER is to encourage contribution to the cultural environment of a region by fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and opportunities for community building to over 50 cities and 5 continents worldwide.

LASER Talks will continue to convene in a hybrid format post COVID-19. Please check with your local LASER Host to find out how to participate online or onsite. Selected LASER recordings can be found on the LEONARDO YouTube Channel.

Upcoming LASER Events

LASER Talks in Linz: Lab Songs Vol. I Linz Austria Friday, 09/06/2024 11:00am
DASER: D.C. LASER: Science and Art Deco Washington Washington United States Thursday, 09/19/2024 6:30pm
LASER Talks in Ispra: Entanglement of Desert Water: on the water conflict between demands for energy transition and rights of a fragile ecosystem Hybrid / Ispra Italy Thursday, 09/19/2024 7:00pm