Grow with Leonardo
Reach Exclusive Members in Art, Science, and Technology:
Grow with Leonardo is an initiative by Leonardo/ISAST to empower universities and organizations in the cross-disciplinary fields of art, science, and technology. Quality and relevance are key to the value of our publications. Our art and science audience trusts us to share information relevant to their interests. Examples of successful advertisements include job postings, exhibition opportunities, calls for collaborations, program recruitment, and other related messaging. Leonardo offers online ad packages to print ads in our journals.
Online Ad Packages:
Connect with our members the way they connect with us
Online Package A - $350: 1 ad placement in our monthly newsletter; 1 Facebook, Twitter and Instagram post each; and 1 post on the Opportunity Hub for up to 30 days on the Leonardo/ISAST website.
Online Package B - $500: 1 ad placement in our monthly newsletter; 2 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn posts each; with 2 story posts in Facebook and Instagram and 1 post on the Opportunities Hub for two months on the Leonardo/ISAST website.
Online Package C - $750: 1 ad placement in our monthly newsletter; 2 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn posts each; with 2 story posts in Facebook and Instagram and 1 post on the Opportunities Hub for two months on the Leonardo/ISAST website and 1 display add on the Leonardo website homepage.
Institutional Membership Package (Best Value) - $988–$1876: See Institutional Membership Benefits for the full list of opportunities.
À la Carte Advertising:
Your budget customized (The prices listed are for a 30-day term).
Option 1 - $150: 1 x ad placement in our monthly newsletter; with an image linked to your website.
Option 2 - $100: 1 Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts on the Leonardo/Isast Social Channels.
Option 3 - $250: 2 Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts each along with two-story posts in Facebook and Instagram on Leonardo and a post in the Opportunities Hub on the Leonardo/ISAST website.
Option 4 - $150: 1 ad post ( event ad, job ad, announcements, etc.) on the Opportunities Hub on the Leonardo website for 30 days.
Option 5 - $300: 1 display ad on the Leonardo home page for 30 days.
Facebook and Twitter Boosted Posts
Your ad can get more reach and have a higher engagement if you use a boosted post on social media. We offer the opportunity to create one from our Leonardo/ISAST organization page and profile. Cost varies depending on your production budget. Contact sends e-mail) for more details.
We can also invoice the advertiser and accept a check payment. Note that we cannot process the ad until full payment is received. For wire transfers for international advertisers, please email sends e-mail).
Print ads in Journals:
Reach our 50-year Art and Science readership.
Advertise In the Leonardo Journal and reach our journal subscribers.
Full Page: 7” x 10”; one color—$400 (Email sends e-mail) to choose this option.)
Half Page: 7.4” x 7.5”; one color—$300 (Email sends e-mail) to choose this option.)
Quarter Page: 3.5” x 4.75”; one color—$200 (Email sends e-mail) to choose this option.)
Back Cover: 8.5” x 11”; full color—Available only to Affiliate Members Interior Full Page 8.5” x 11”; black and white —Available to Affiliate Members only
These ads are handled by our publisher, MIT Press. Consult the MIT Press website(link is external) for submission deadlines to place a display ad in one of our journals and contact them directly with any questions. These ads are handled by our publisher, MIT Press. Consult the MIT Press website(link is external) for submission deadlines to place a display ad in one of our journals and contact them directly with any questions.
Advertising Specs:
For sizing and design requirements, please view our specs here.
Frequently Asked Questions
See FAQs for deadlines, specs, guidelines and other relevant information for advertising.
Terms and Cancellations:
All advertisements are subject to MIT Press and Leonardo/ISAST approval; however, the advertiser remains responsible for the lawfulness of all advertisement content and will defend and indemnify MIT Press and Leonardo/ISAST against any claim of infringement or other injury arising from ad content.
Cancellations are not accepted after the artwork due date. Cancellation of any scheduled insertion renders the advertiser responsible for payment of the reserved space at the gross (undiscounted) rate.