Blog | Page 40 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


Not art

bullet casing (1) I’m interested in the idea of trash–how we humans deal (or refuse to deal) with waste. At Djerassi there are many gorgeous and interesting art installations that are numbered and mapped for viewing. I want to focus on what is discarded here.


On a walk during the first days here with four of my co-residents our conversation was peppered with references to authors, artists and movies.  This struck me as one of the ways that we were getting to know one another and that, along with my cataloging instincts, led me to collect the following list of recommendations from each resident + two of the Djerassi staff (Celia and Alice).  I began the list the evening of that first walk and the last entries were provided yesterday.


On Sunday at Djerassi we did an open rehearsal of our show Daughhters of Hypatia about the struggles of women in mathematics, but I find unsettling contradictions. I ended this year at the college at which I teach taking part in a day-long workshop on privilege; the discussions were intense and emotional, we heard many dismaying stories of racist, sexist, and homophobic incidents, some intense, others slight but still upsetting. The same week I learned that our math department had lost a third recently hired tenure track woman faculty member; all three were through resignations.

Halfway Point

      Last night several residents and I were watching composer and scientist Eathan Janney perform an impressive improvisational piano piece. I recall the sounds coming from the piano as he translated his thoughts and feelings, the warmth of the room from the wood stove, the way everyone was sitting or stretching out comfortably while he played, and the conversation that ensued from his performance regarding his approach and our responses to the piece.  

The art and science of medical research

Here's to my trial run as an artist-scientist (from my current writing efforts), an account of my attempt at research before I went to medical school: Luckily, another job opportunity came along. Luckily, I say, for me. I can't say the same for my boss. It's possible that the collapse of her lab and her subsequent departure into administration was a direct result of her undiscriminating choice of research assistants such as myself. The lab was ugly. Such places are made for scientists, meaning that they contain no drapes, sofas, art prints, or nice rugs.