The Lumen Prize for Art and Technology (Wales, U.K.), in partnership with Leonardo/The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (Leonardo/ISAST), presents the nine prize winners for 2020 in a brand-new immersive experience.
This year’s awardees will receive recognition in their own virtual pavilions designed for the emerging platform NewArt.City, created by virtual world coproducers: virtual worlds artist DC Spensley and new media architect Gustavo Rincon. Visitors to this experience will be able to explore a virtual 3D exhibition featuring the 2020 Lumen Prize–winning artists and showcasing the award-winning artworks. Each pavilion will be accompanied by a related contextual text from the Leonardo journal archive.
Lumen Prize 2020 Winners
The Team
Thanks to the Leonardo and Lumen team who helped make this possible including Lumen Art Projects Director/Curator Jack Addis, Leonardo Creative Director Danielle Siembieda, Lumen Prize Founder Carla Rapaport, Leonardo CEO Diana Ayton Shenker, Lumen Staff Sophie Cloherty and Madeleine Pierpont. This project could not be realized without the tremendous dedication of the above team and the contribution of the co-producer DC Spensley and Gustavo Rincon.
DC Spensley
DC Spensley is an expert synthetic world artist, director, and producer with over 12-years of experience. He also is an artist in residence at Open Sim and has worked across multi-player and synthetic environments including Second Life, Open Sim, World of Warcraft, Minecraft, and NewArt.City.
Gustavo Rincon
Dr. Gustavo Rincon is a New Media Architect and researcher at the UCSB Allosophere, Rincons involvement in the arts includes curating, educating, and exhibiting works nationally and internationally. Rincon served as Director of the Foundation for Art Resources (F.A.R.) while acting as Lead Curator in Los Angeles for 4 years.
Watch Artist Talks and Past Events in Parallel to the Exhibition Catalog
To receive more information on the production of this virtual world and to schedule a curatorial tour please contact