Leonardo, Volume 33, Issue 2 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University
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The Leonardo Gallery

Special Section: Art and Biology

  • Evolving Expressions and Art by Choice
    Gary R. Greenfield
    Get at MIT Press

    One common criticism of algorithmic art is its slavish devotion to technical virtuosity at the expense of artistic intent and content. To address this problem, the author uses an algorithmic method known as “evolving expressions,” which both challenges the technical ability of the artist and also paves the way to “art by choice”—an art that re-creates what lies in the imagination by visualizing the creatures that live there, the creatures of our dreams.

Artist's Note

  • Luminograms: Apparent Movement in Two-Dimensional Images
    Zdeněk Kočíb
    Get at MIT Press

    Luminograms, a contemporary form of kinetic art, are two-dimensional images created with ready-made holographic foils. These “trompe la lumière” compositions demonstrate virtual movement in their fixed images. The author also discusses the view that Luminograms appear to display the fourth dimension.

Artists' Statements

General Articles

  • On Anamorphosis: Setting Some Things Straight
    David Topper
    Get at MIT Press

    Recently there has been a revival of anamorphic imagery, notably in its use as a metaphor by postmodern theorists. But often, discussions of anamorphosis are confused, and even wrong. In this article, the author not only focuses upon correcting these errors, but also analyzes our perception of anamorphic images, since there is a dearth of such in the literature. The resulting discussion points out aspects of how we see anamorphs that have never been pointed out before.


  • Delusions of Dialogue: Control and Choice in Interactive Art
    Jim Campbell
    Get at MIT Press

    The author discusses the relationship of interactive art to the structure of the computer, in particular commenting on artists' choices in using different kinds of systems, programs and interface devices. He discusses the problems inherent in the reduction of an artist's concept to a mathematical representation, a transformation that is necessary to allow a work to be implemented on a computer. Discussing the potential of the computer to allow a work to be able to change and grow over time through the extraction and storage of information, he looks for new, untouched directions for interactive art.

New Media Dictionary


Leonardo Reviews


Leonardo, Volume 33, Issue 2

April 2000