| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Yvonne Spielmann

at Braunschweig School of Art
Journal Articles:
Leonardo Reviews

Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts

June 2001

Hyperkult: Geschichte, Theorie und Kontext Digitaler Medien (Hypercult: History, Theory and Context of Digital Media)

April 1999

Virtualities: Television, Media Art and Cyberculture

April 2000

Digital Aesthetics

June 2000

Ars Electronica: Facing the Future

April 2001

Digital Creativity

April 2001

The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet

August 2001
Leonardo Reviews

The Master and Margarita at the Volksbuehne, Berlin, Germany. Directed by Frank Castorf, after the novel by Russian poet Michail Bulgakov

June 2003
Leonardo Reviews

Valie Export: Mediale Anagramme

February 2004
Leonardo Reviews

The Cinema Effect

February 2005
Special Section: CAA 2005

Hybridity: Arts, Sciences and Cultural Effects

April 2006
Leonardo Reviews

Exhibition: La Biennale di Venezia

April 2006
Special Section: CAA 2005: Hybridity: Arts, Sciences and Cultural Effects

The Artist and the Scientific Research Environment

June 2006
Leonardo Reviews

La Biennale di Venezia 52nd International Art Exhibition. “Think with the Senses—Feel with the Mind. Art in the Present Time,” curated by Robert Storr, 6 June–21 November 2007, Venice, Giardini and Arsenale and other venues

April 2008

Intermedia In Electronic Images

February 2001
Hybrid Culture
Japanese Media Arts in Dialogue with the West
The Reflexive Medium