| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Michele Emmer

Professorat Universitá degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Focus area: Art History, Computer Science, Engineering, Dance, Choreography, Design, Illustration, Painting, 2D Forms, Materials, Textiles Engineering, Performance Art, Theater Studies, Sculpture, Spacial, Sociology, STEAM, Pedagogy, Education, Telepresence, Urban Planning, Built Environment, Video, Film

Michele Emmer is a Mathematics Professor at La Sapienza University in Rome. He collaborated with various scientific centers and in 1996 created the mathematics section of Naples’ Science City. Since 1997 he organized mathematics and cultural conferences in Venice (http://www.mat.uniroma1.it/venezia2015). He won the 1998 Galileo Award for the popularization of scientific subjects, he wrote on L’Unità, Diario, La Stampa, Il Manifesto, Alfabeta2, Telèma, The Scientific American, Sapere and Galileo. He organized exhibitions, cooperating with The Biennale of Art of Venice. Member of the board of the Journal "Leonardo: art, science and technology", MIT Press. Filmmaker, author of the series "Art and Math" broadcasted by the State Italian television and other television; distributed in many countries. Homage in several Film Festivals: Bellaria, Bergamo, Rome Animation, Torino Museo del cinema, La Villette, Paris. Editor of the series "Mathematics and Culture" and “Imagine Math” by Springer verlag; the series "The Visual Mind" by MIT press; video series "Video math" by Springer verlag.

Last books: “Bolle di sapone tra arte e matematica”, 2010, best Italian essay premio Viareggio 2010; “Numeri immaginari: cinema e matematica”, Bollati Boringhieri, 2012; “Il mio Harry’s bar”, Archinto ed., 2012;  “Imagine Math 3”, Springer 2013; “Flatlandia di E. Abbott, with the DVD, music by Ennio Morricone, 2008, He has been member of the Commission for the popularization of math of the European Math Society. President for 3 years of the Italian Ass of scientific Films. He is a member of the Istituto Veneto di Lettere, Scienze e Arti in Venice, founded by Napoleon.

Journal Articles:
Special Section: The Science of Art

Soap Bubbles Between Art & Science

December 2021
The Leonardo Gallery

Homage to Escher

February 2000

Only Bombs are Intelligent?

April 2000
Special Section: Artists and War

Artists and War: Answers?

February 2001

Can Ideas and Words Be Useful?

February 2002

Artists and Scientists in Times of War: A Renewed Call for Papers

June 2005

Mathematicians: The New Artists?

June 1999
From the Leonardo Archive

Art and Math, Forever

October 2007
Special Section: Leonardo Celebrates Leonardo da Vinci

A Film on Leonardo da Vinci by Luciano Emmer

October 2009
Special Section: Artists and War

Are We an Intelligent Race?

April 2018
Special Section: Pioneers and Pathbreakers

How a Mathematician Started Making Movies

April 2019
General Articles

Sebastian’s Space and Forms

April 2020