Roy Behrens
Emeritus Professor of Graphic Design and Distinguished Scholarat University of Northern IowaUntil his retirement from teaching in 2018, Roy R. Behrens was Professor of Art and Distinguished Scholar at the University of Northern Iowa. He had taught graphic design and design history at UNI and other schools for more than 45 years. He is the author of seven books, and literally hundreds of articles in journals, books, and magazines, and has appeared in broadcast interviews on NOVA, National Public Radio, Australian Public Radio, BBC, and Iowa Public Television, as well as in documentary films. He has been a nominee for the Smithsonian Institution's National Design Awards, has received the Iowa Board of Regents Faculty Excellence Award, and has been described in Communication Arts magazine as "one of the most original thinkers in design."
Many of his publications focus on the involvement of artists, designers, and architects in the development of Modern-era camouflage. In addition, he is also greatly interested in gestalt theory, the life and laboratory set-ups of Adelbert Ames II, the creative process (including humor), and the practice of graphic design, especially as these topics pertain to vision and the visual arts. His most recent book is Frank Lloyd Wright and Mason City: Architectural Heart of the Prairie (2016).
In 1985, while teaching at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, he launched a “periodical commonplace book” called Ballast Quarterly Review (the title is an acronym for Books Art Language Logic Ambiguity Science and Teaching), which he continued to publish for twenty-one years. All back issues of BALLAST can now be accessed online (and downloaded as pdf files) at <>.
More information and a wide selection of his work can be accessed at <>. In addition, he actively maintains two blogs at <> and <>. Much of his published work is accessible online at <>.