| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University
LEA 22:2, 2018

Where to Find LEA

Issues of LEA are available online as a PDF document, a high-resolution print-on-demand journal and in a downloadable version for ebook readers. See individual issue pages on this website for PDFs and Amazon for available print versions. Please note that we are in the process of migrating older issues to this website. To access issues not listed on this page, select from one of the following date ranges in which issues were published: 2010–2013 | 1993–2008.


Leonardo Electronic Almanac

Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) is Leonardo's peer-reviewed digital journal dedicated to providing a forum for those who are interested in the realm where art, science and technology converge. Published by and led by editor-in-chief Lanfranco Aceti, LEA publishes recent work and critical discussion on topics of current relevance and encourages contributions from scholars, artists, scientists, educators and developers of new technological resources in the fine arts and media arts. Desired content includes profiles of media arts facilities and projects, insights of artists using new media and feature articles comprising theoretical and technical perspectives as well as exhibitions that focus on contemporary fine art practice and its complex entanglements with social, technological and scientific thought.

Current and Past Issues of LEA