Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 101 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Blogviz: Mapping the dynamics of Information Diffusion in Blogspace 3178 Manuel Lima

Master of Fine Arts - Design and Technology


Parsons School of Design - New School University Christopher Kirwan, Mark Stafford

Design and Technology (D+T)

Information Diffusion, Memetics, Weblogs, Online Social Communities, Information Visualization, Complex Networks, Diffusion of innovations

Bioneering: Hybrid Investigations of Food 3177 Lisa Tucker

Master of Fine Arts


University of California, Irvine Antoinette LaFarge

Studio Art

social practices, socially engaged art, art/science collaboration, post-disciplinary practice

Bioglyphs: generating images in collaboration with nature's events 3175 Daro Montag



University of Hertfordshire, UK Michael Biggs


Art, Ecology, Reconstructive postmodern, indexical, process, event

Beyond the Swatch: How can the Science of Materials be Represented by the Materials Themselves in a Materials Library? 3174 Zoe Laughlin



King's College London Mark Miodownik, Alan Read

Division of Engineering / Materials

materials, objects, materials science, materials library, swatch, cubes, tuning forks, bells, spoons, encounter, performativity, stuff, things

Beyond Stereotypes: Finding Highly Nuanced Ways of Working with Consumers, Users, and Citizens 3173 Emanuela Corti

Master of Science: Communication Design


Pratt Institute - Manhattan Tom Klinkowstein

Graduate Communication Design

Stereotypes, Genocide, New Media, Typecasting, The Press, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, Anthropotypes, Counter Stereotypes, Positioning Hypothesis, 9-11, Propaganda, misinformation, datamining, dataveillance, Public Sector, Private Sector, Machine Learning,

Between Mnemo and Locus: architecture of virtual spaces, construction of mental spaces 3172 Anja Pratschke

PHD of Science


University of São Paulo, Brazil Edson dos Santos Moreira

Department of Computer Science, Design of Human-Computer Interfaces, Architecture

Human-Computer Interface, Virtual Reality, Architecture, Mnemomic

Becoming Bird: Sound, Image, Movement 3171 B. Lea Cox



University of California, Santa Cruz Donna Hunter, Todd Newberry, Peter Elsea

Digital Art and New Media

birds, birdsong, music, direct experience, sound art

Automatic Adaptation of Sound Analysis and Synthesis 3170 Marco Liuni



Università di Firenze - UPMC Paris 6 Marco Romito - Xavier Rodet, Axel Roebel

Applied Mathematics - Sound Processing

Frame theory, sparsity measures, sound processing, phase vocoder

AURA: Wearable Devices for Non-verbal Communication between Expectant Parents 3169 Marco Righetto

MA, Interaction Design


Iuav - University of Venice Gillian Crampton Smith, Philip Tabor,

Interaction Design

arduino, gillian crampton smith, graphic, interaction design, iuav, phil tabor, pregnancy, wearable computing

Audience Interactivity and the Concert Hall Audience 3168 Lanier Sammons



University of Virginia Matthew Burtner, Ted Coffey, Judith Shatin, Sarah Corse

Music - Composition and Computer Technologies

audience interactivity, audience-interactive music, music composition, music analysis, participatory music, social experience of music