leon 57.3 - Experiential AI: Between Arts and Explainable AI
leon 57.3 - Boundary Images
leon 57.3 - Magazines and Modern Identities: Global Cultures of the Illustrated Press, 1880–1945
leon 57.3 - Tricks of the Light: Essays on Art and Spectacle
leon 57.3 - Leonardo@Djerassi 2023: Gallery
leon 57.3 - YLEM: Artists Using Science and Technology in the Wilderness of Art in the 1990s
leon 57.3 - DNA Dance Revolution
This paper proposes to teach students biology through dance. Knowledge of nucleotides, amino acids, and structures of DNA and protein is used to create dance music and choreography. The three nucleotides (A, T, G, or C) making up the amino acids of selected proteins are converted into a musical note. In accordance with DNA’s double helix structure and base-pairing, the authors designed a low-cost, in-house Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) machine to allow for a dual player dance mode that requires students to synchronize their choreography during gameplay.
leon 57.3 - Men of Letters: Perspectives on Multisensory Environments in the Hall-McLuhan Correspondence, 1961–1977