Dates or Deadline:
16 August 2024 to 20 October 2024
Leonardo Journal invites submissions for a FOCUS section dedicated to the enigmatic nature of creativity and aesthetics. Despite daily advancements in the science of creativity, this aspect of human experience remains elusive, even to those who depend on it for their life’s work. We seek to explore how cross-disciplinary practitioners blend ideas from diverse fields to forge new creative paths and innovations.
We welcome papers from artists, scientists, and creative practitioners across disciplines that delve into the origins of personal creativity and creativity in general. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- The neuroscience of creativity
- Psychological and sociocultural factors influencing creativity
- The impact of creativity (or its absence) on society
- Case studies of cross-disciplinary creative processes
- The role of technology in fostering creativity
- Comparative analyses of creativity across different fields
Submissions should provide novel insights and contribute to a deeper understanding of how creativity manifests and evolves. We encourage a variety of methodological approaches, including empirical research, theoretical frameworks, and reflective essays.
The understanding of creativity is a topic that we hope to reinforce with contributions from around the Leosphere, in the form of manuscripts of 2,500-5,000 words or statements of up to 2,000 words.
Proposals and Inquiries
Interested authors may submit manuscript proposals or inquiries to sends e-mail).
Manuscript Submissions
For detailed instructions for manuscript and art preparation, visit
Completed manuscripts can be uploaded at