Leonardo | Page 5 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


leon 57.5 - Sound Investments: Music and Finance at Mid-Century

The histories of finance and music are more interconnected than they might at first appear. From ancient ideas on the mathematical harmony of the universe to ultra-contemporary approaches driven by networked data, the flow of sounds and the circulation of capital have long traced one another’s shadow. Indeed, since the publication of Jacques Attali’s Noise in 1977, musicologists and sound scholars have been probing how music as an expression of mathematical knowledge has intersected with a range of intellectual, social, and economic shifts.

leon 57.5 - Proof-of-Stake Non-Fungible Tokens, the Distributed Autonomous Organization, and the Valuation of Art: A Proposal for a Nonprofit, Community Controlled NFT

This paper describes a way to use blockchain-based non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to address some fundamental failures of the art world introduced when the early-twentieth-century evolution of financial markets expanded to include objets d’art as commodities. It proposes the creation of a distributed autonomous organization (DAO) that uses domain experts’ Delphic consensus methods embedded in smart contracts to provide NFTs with meaningful nonfinancial assessments of intrinsic artistic qualities and merit.


Leonardo, Volume 57, Issue 5

October 2024

16 August 2024 to 20 October 2024

Dates or Deadline: 

16 August 2024 to 20 October 2024



Leonardo Journal invites submissions for a FOCUS section dedicated to the enigmatic nature of creativity and aesthetics. Despite daily advancements in the science of creativity, this aspect of human experience remains elusive, even to those who depend on it for their life’s work. We seek to explore how cross-disciplinary practitioners blend ideas from diverse fields to forge new creative paths and innovations.

We welcome papers from artists, scientists, and creative practitioners across disciplines that delve into the origins of personal creativity and creativity in general. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • The neuroscience of creativity
  • Psychological and sociocultural factors influencing creativity
  • The impact of creativity (or its absence) on society
  • Case studies of cross-disciplinary creative processes
  • The role of technology in fostering creativity
  • Comparative analyses of creativity across different fields

Submissions should provide novel insights and contribute to a deeper understanding of how creativity manifests and evolves. We encourage a variety of methodological approaches, including empirical research, theoretical frameworks, and reflective essays.

The understanding of creativity is a topic that we hope to reinforce with contributions from around the Leosphere, in the form of manuscripts of 2,500-5,000 words or statements of up to 2,000 words.

Proposals and Inquiries
Interested authors may submit manuscript proposals or inquiries to editor@leonardo.info(link sends e-mail).

Manuscript Submissions
For detailed instructions for manuscript and art preparation, visit https://leonardo.info/preparing-your-materials-journals#man.
Completed manuscripts can be uploaded at editorialexpress.com/leonardo.


2 August 2024 to 30 August 2024
Organized by: 

We are pleased to invite you to contribute as an author to a special issue of Leonardo Journal, focusing on the theme of "Vulnerability" in line with CYFEST-15. This issue will delve into diverse perspectives on vulnerability, encompassing the fragility of ecosystems, the vulnerability of memory, the (anti)fragility of human and non-human bodies, and the complexities of biological, social, and cyberspaces. We also welcome explorations of stories and scenarios of the future, alongside examinations of our evolving relationship with the world, from the preservation of aging media art to the dynamic equilibrium within natural and technological realms.

Proposals and Inquiries
Interested authors may submit manuscript proposals or inquiries to editor@leonardo.info

Manuscript Submissions
For detailed instructions for manuscript and art preparation, visit https://leonardo.info/preparing-your-materials-journals
Completed manuscripts can be uploaded at editorialexpress.com/leonardo