Leonardo | Page 405 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


LEON 33.4 - The Specter of the Golem: The Quest for Safer Encaustic Painting Practice in the Age of OSHA

The author's use of the mil-lennia-old, multi-dimensional en-caustic painting technique, which uses hot colored wax as a paint-ing medium, led her to the literary and artistic concept of the golem, which she sees as a metaphor for the appropriate use of technol-ogy. This, in turn, prompted the author to learn more about en-caustic from an industrial-hygiene perspective.

LEON 33.2 - Evolving Expressions and Art by Choice

One common criticism of algorithmic art is its slavish devotion to technical virtuosity at the expense of artistic intent and content. To address this problem, the author uses an algorithmic method known as “evolving expressions,” which both challenges the technical ability of the artist and also paves the way to “art by choice”—an art that re-creates what lies in the imagination by visualizing the creatures that live there, the creatures of our dreams.


Leonardo, Volume 49, Issue 5

October 2016


Leonardo, Volume 49, Issue 4

August 2016


Leonardo, Volume 48, Issue 4

August 2015