Leonardo | Page 402 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


LEON 33.3 - De Profundus: Adumbrative Reflections?

Leonardo was a man who designed war engines. He also anatomized, stripped The flesh from the body And saw the soul; made perspective From a flat sheet flex Round as a moving limb. Transmuted the past to the future In a credible flying device. He inspired a journal's creation over four centuries later; A journal of fine art that grips The same universe as Leonardo And fills it with vigor. That covers the whole field of inquiry made possible with Modern scientific techniques. The art is new. The journal is Leonardo. Subscription is a solid chunk of man's future.

LEON 33.2 - Delusions of Dialogue: Control and Choice in Interactive Art

The author discusses the relationship of interactive art to the structure of the computer, in particular commenting on artists' choices in using different kinds of systems, programs and interface devices. He discusses the problems inherent in the reduction of an artist's concept to a mathematical representation, a transformation that is necessary to allow a work to be implemented on a computer.

LEON 33.2 - On Anamorphosis: Setting Some Things Straight

Recently there has been a revival of anamorphic imagery, notably in its use as a metaphor by postmodern theorists. But often, discussions of anamorphosis are confused, and even wrong. In this article, the author not only focuses upon correcting these errors, but also analyzes our perception of anamorphic images, since there is a dearth of such in the literature. The resulting discussion points out aspects of how we see anamorphs that have never been pointed out before.