Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 5 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Cartographies of the Identity: six itineraries to reflect about artistic and communicative practices in the digital era 3182 Gemma San Cornelio Esquerdo

Phd Audiovisual Communication Program


Polytechnic University of Valencia Eulalia Adelantado Mateu

Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and Art History

Internet, identity, subject, art, autobiography, portrait, mask,, digital art, monster

mixed reality art and the graphical user interface 3318 Ian Gwilt

PhD Art history and Theory


University of New South Wales Anna Munster

Art history and Theory - New Media

mixed reality, augmented reality, art, graphical user interface, GUI, new media art history

Play in Digital Media Art: Interaction, Interfaces, Subversion 3362 Laetitia Wilson

PhD Art History


University of Western Australia Winthrop Ian McLean

Visual Arts

Play, Interactivity, Interpassivity, Subversion, Interfaces, Digital Media Art

UNCAGED: A novel, ‘telesymbiotic’ approach to bridge the divide between the physical world and the virtual world of computers? 3492 Ralf Nuhn

PhD (practice-based)


Middlesex University, London (UK) John Dack, Magnus Moar

School of Arts

Installation Art, Mixed Reality, Jean Baudrillard, sound, video, kinetic sculpture

SPACE HABITABILITY. Integrating Human Factors into the Design Process to Enhance Habitability in Long Duration Missions 3409 Irene Lia Schlacht

PhD (Dr.-Ing)


Technische Universität Berlin Matthias Roetting, Bernard Foing, Melchiorre Masali

Psychology & Ergonomics

Human Space Mission, Human Factors, holistic methodology, isolation, stimuli deprivations

Aesthetics & Art in the Early Development of Human-Computer Interfaces 3141 Nader Salha

PhD (Dr. -Ing.)


University of Bremen Dr. Frieder Nake, David Canfield Smith

Computer Science

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Aesthetics, Art, user interface, GUI, Interaction design, post-usability

The Human Use of the Human Face: The Photographic Self-Portrait in the Age of the Selfie 4024 Karen ann Donnachie

PhD (Art)


Curtin University, Western Australia David Hawkins, Julian Goddard, Christopher Crouch, Mihai Lazarescu, Susanna C

School of Design & Art : Electronic art

#selfie #postphotography #selfportrait #electronicart #speculativedesign #dataviz

Mapping Dynamic Relations in Sound and Space Perception 3561 Luca Forcucci



De Montfort University, Leicester, UK Dr. Leigh Landy, John Richards

Music, Technology and Innovation Research Lab / Music & Sonic Arts

Space, Sound, Intention, Perception, Mental Imagery

Symbiogenic Experience and the Emergent Arts: Cybernetics, Art and Existential Phenomenology 3176 Carlos Castellanos



Simon Fraser University Diane Gromala, Philippe Pasquier, Thecla Schiphorst

School of Interative Arts & Technology

interactive art, cybernetics, emergence, co-evolution, autopoiesis, phenomenology, Merleau-Ponty, Gordon Pask, machine learning, embodiment

Transdisciplinary artistic production from the field of biology and technology in the second decade of the 21st century Hamilton Mestizo



Complutense University of Madrid Jaime Munárriz

Fine Arts
