| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Luca Forcucci

Artist, Composer and Scholarat www.ubqtlab.org
Focus area: Experimental Music

Luca Forcucci is an artist, composer, and scholar exploring the relationships between the sonic, consciousness, perception, experience, memory, and the body. His research and artworks are regularly presented worldwide and have won numerous national and international awards in well regarded contexts. Forcucci achieved a PhD in Music, Technology and Innovation at De Montfort University in the U.K.; an MA in Sonic Arts from Queens University of Belfast; and diplomas in architecture and civil engineering in Switzerland. He conducted art research in cognitive science at the Brain Mind Institute in Switzerland, where he explored cognitive neuroscience of out-of-body experiences with a scholarship from the Swiss Federal Office of Culture, and support from Zürich University of the Arts. He also conducted his research at GRM/INA (Groupe de Recherches Musicales / Institut National d’Audiovisuel) in Paris, TU Electronic Music Studio Berlin, and NOTAM (Norwegian Centre for Technology, Art and Music) in Oslo. He studied electroacoustic music with the Swiss composer Rainer Boesch, and Al Comet, former member of The Young Gods, produced his early work. His professional background includes architecture, neuroscience, and the curation of many projects worldwide by promoting art and science encounters with his lab www.ubqtlab.org.
He is regularly invited as guest Professor in universities like Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Valencia Polytechnic University, New York University Shanghai, University of Limerick, USP São Paulo, PUC Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, URC California, UdK Berlin, ZhDK Zürich, EPFL Lausanne, SIVA Shanghai among many others since the 2010’s. In 2023 he is visiting professor at the Faculty of Music of the Federal University of Bahia in Brazil.
His work received many international accolades and is regularly presented in contexts like 50th Experimental Intermedia Festival 2023 in New York City, Cyfest Festival 2022 Yerevan, ISEA 2022 Barcelona, Swissnex Japan, Ars Electronica 2021, ISEA 2018 Durban, ISEA 2017 Manizales, The Lab San Francisco, Festival Multiplicidade Rio de Janeiro, Municipal Art Center Hélio Oiticica Rio de Janeiro, Ciclo de Música Contemporânea Salvador de Bahia, Shanghai RockBund Museum, MAXXI: Museum of XXI Century Arts Rome, Biennale Arcipelago Mediterraneo Palermo, House of Electronic Arts Basel, Akademie der Künste Berlin.

Journal Articles:
Special Section: LASER

LASER Nomad: Road Maps for Art and Science Research into Ancestral Knowledge

August 2023
Articles and Notes

Deep Listening to the Amazon Rainforest through Sonic Architectures

December 2020