Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 2 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Experiences from Designing a Wearable Interface For an Interaction through Breathing 3237 Anna Salmi

MA in New Media


Aalto University, School of Art and Design, Department of Media, Media Lab Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski

Department of Media, Media Lab, New Media

wearables, wearable interface, wearable computing, wearable electronics, fashionable technologies, smart textiles, physical computing, embedded systems, bodily interaction, interactive installations, experimental sound installation, experience design

Design wearables for interactive art based on Brazilian tropicalism 4185 Ricardo Nascimento

Master in Arts


Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz Univ. Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer, Uni. Prof. Dr. Laurent Mignonneau and Uni. Prof. Dietmar Offenhuber

Department of Media - Interface culture

wearables, performance, body, tropicalia, art

Rhythmic Canons and Modular Tiling 3681 Hélianthe Caure



Université Pierre et Marie Curie Moreno Andreatta, Jean-Paul Allouche


Vuza canons, modular canons

Being Vulnerable: Distances of the Sublime Anthropocene 4175 Laura Hopes



Plymouth Geoff Cox, Heidi Morstang, Dr Thomas Baugh


Vulnerability, Colonialism, Sublime, Anthropocene

Unfolding Space 3640 Julieta Aguilera



University of Illinois at Chicago Daria Tsoupikova, Dan Sandin, Dana Plepys, Franz Fischnaller

Art and Design

VR, higher dimensions, embodiment

Canda Goose: Origin 4067 Yanzhe Wu



The New School Jessie Contour, Sven Travis

Design and Technology

VR, Game

Reverence and Reference: Meaning in Virtual Reality 3646 Julieta Aguilera



University of Notre Dame John Francis Sherman, Jean Dibble, Martina Lopez

Art, Art History & Design

VR, Design, Language, Representation

Fragile Virtuosity: The Human Voice at the Center of Performance and Technology 3250 Michelle Kasprzak



Université du Québec à Montréal Éric Raymond, Kim Sawchuk, Gisèle Trudel

Visual and Media Art

voice, performance, speech, error, repetition, devotion, perfection, virtuosity, falconry, Stenomask

CAS - Collaborative Artwork System 3183 Brenda Castro

Master of Arts in New Media


University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss, Lily Diaz

Media Lab/ New Media

VLC, GUI, virtual identities

Knowledge Visualization: Problems and Principles for Mapping the Knowledge Space 3294 Greg Judelman

Masters of Science in Digital Media


International School of New Media, Lübeck, Germany Hubertus von Amelunxen, Pierre Lévy

Digital Media

visualization, design, knowledge, cognition, mapping, complexity, principles, communication, representation