Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 100 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Neuroaesthetics as self-knowledge of the artist. Introspection as Methodology of analysis of artistic creativity. 4181 Vincent-Paul Lorne (Pierre d'Argyll)

Ph. D.


Complutense University of Madrid Dolores Fernández Martínez

Painting and Restoration, School of Fine Arts

introspection; art creativity; first-person analysis; autobiographic memory; neurophenomenology; neuroaesthetics

New content dissemination platforms in the area of tourism and heritage 4183 Miguel Mazeda



Universidade Católica Portuguesa Luís Teixeira

School of Arts - Creative Industries Management

Augmented Reality; CCD; CHIC; Creative Industries; Heritage; Mobile Applications.

Learning during a Digital Transformation in Communication Design: Faculty, Professional, and Student Views on Changing Pedagogical Practices 4184 Dr. Laura Scherling



Teachers College, Columbia University Richard Jochum, Olga Hubard Orvananos, Dr. Paulo Blikstein, Dr. Joey J. Lee

Design, Design Research, Education

Design, Technology,

Design wearables for interactive art based on Brazilian tropicalism 4185 Ricardo Nascimento

Master in Arts


Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz Univ. Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer, Uni. Prof. Dr. Laurent Mignonneau and Uni. Prof. Dietmar Offenhuber

Department of Media - Interface culture

wearables, performance, body, tropicalia, art

From Connected Digital Art to Cybernetic Ecologies 4186 Sean Clark



De Montfort University Ernest Edmonds

Computational Art

computerational art, systems theory, digital art

to a Place: immersive spatial experience synthesised from light and sound 4187 Alperen Sahin

Master of Fine Arts


The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw Dominika Sobolewska, Zofia Reznik

Visual Arts / Interior Design

installation, performance, audiovisual, generative, darkness, sublime, spatial art, unknown, light, shadow

The Community Bee Clinic 4189 Lisa Korpos

Master of Fine Art


University of California San Diego Ricardo Dominguez and Lisa Cartwright, James Nieh, Jordan Crandall

Visual Arts

Fine Art, Sci-Art, Ecology, Speculative design, Social Practice, Honeybee, Installation

Invisibilia: The Colors of Bacteria 4190 Felipe Leonardo Santos Shibuya

Master of Fine Arts


The State University of New York at Buffalo Paul Vanouse, John Opera; Reinhard Reitzenstein

Department of Art, College of Arts and Sciences

bioart; colored bacteria; invisible; microscopic; pigment;

Machine Learning and Notions of the Image 4191 Rosemary Lee



IT-University of Copenhagen Laura Beloff, Sebastian Risi

Digital Design

machine learning; image studies; AI; art;

The Liminal Work of Online Freelance Writing: Networked Configurations of Gendered Labor, Technologies, Subjectivities 4192 Monika M Sengul-Jones



University of California San Diego Lisa Cartwright

Communication (Science Studies)

freelance writing, gender, remote work, platforms, liminal, intersubjectivity, women writers, subjectivity, feminist theory