Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 100 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Para-images: Cultural Ideas and Technical Apparatuses Beyond the Pictorial Surface 4205 Sheung Yiu

MA Visual Culture, Curating and Contemporary Art


Aalto University El Baroni, Bassam, Daniel Rubinstein


Photography theory, Technical Images, CGI, Computer Vision, Simulation, Agential Realism

Alternative Realities: Protect me from what I want 4077 Shirley Leung



Parsons School of Design. Design and Technology Department. Katherine Moriwaki, Jaime Keiles

Design & Technology

reflection, speculation, alternative realities, multiverse, parallel universes, race, identity, privilege, machine learning and prediction, Asian American, personal narrative

Pathways of Light Shivani Mathur



UAL Sheena Calvert

MA Art and Science

Infinite, zero, pathways of light, cracks, relationships, physics, Vedanta, philosophy, mathematics, pattern, world order

SciArt and Environmental Restoration: The role of intentionality in audience engagement 4274 Sierra Adler

Master of Science Communication


University of Otago Jenny Rock

SciArt, Environmental Restoration, Interactivity, Art, Community Arts Practice, Intentionality

The Aesthetics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Setting MRI in Motion from the Scientific Laboratory to an Art Exhibition 3540 Silvia Casini



Queen's University, Belfast (UK) Desmond Bell, Dr. Des O' Rawe

Visual Studies and Film

MRI, brain, aesthetics, sculpture, image, cinema, visualization, medicine, body, laboratory, experimental subject, exhibition

No in Disguise: Algorithmically Targeted Conversations about Sexual Consent 3863 Simon Boas

Master of Fine Arts


University of California, Santa Cruz Warren Sack, Sharon Daniel, Edward Shanken, Dee Hibbert-Jones, Suresh Lodha

Digital Arts and New Media

consent, data, gender, misogyny, social media, web scraping, critical computing

Networks of Liveness in Singer-Songwriting: A practice-based enquiry into developing audio-visual interactive systems and creative strategies for composition and performance. 4009 Simon Waite



De Montfort University John Richards, Bret Battey


Singer-songwriters, songwriting, interactive, systems, live, performance, electronic, music, liveness, networks, audio-visual, visuals, Ableton, Max, performer

Understanding 3493 So-young Park

Master of Applied Science


Simon Fraser University Ron Wakkary, Andrew Feenberg

Interactive Arts

Open work, Umberto Eco, Audience participation, Interactive art, Digital media

An exploration of a diversity of vision in digital art projects in relation to issues of engagement 3153 sonja van Kerkhoff

MSc (Media Technology)


Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, University of Leiden, The Netherlands. Michael S. Lew, LIACS Media Lab, Sarah Kettley, Nottingham Trent University

Media Technology, dept. Computer Science

Augmented reality, digital media, discourse analysis, engagement, immersion, interactive art, virtual reality

Microbial Mood: exploring how sound effects the human microbiome 4084 Sophia Charuhas

Master of Arts


Liverpool John Moores University

School of Art and Design