Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 8 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
De-coding the Digital Revolution: A Critical Approach to the Presentation of the Term in Business Literature at the Turn of the Millennium 3199 Genco GULAN

MA, Media Studies.


New School, NY, NY Martin Roberts

Media Studies

Digital, Revolution, Digital Revolution, new media, digital theory, net-art, social change, de-materialisation

Dark Room Project 3198 Virginia M Madsen

Doctorate Of Creative Arts(DCA)


University of Technology, Sydney Norie Neumark, Stephen Muecke

Dept. of Media and Text, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Theories and cultures of listening and vision, radio and audio arts, television and virtual reality, Critical theory, media theory, Paul Virilio, Michel Serres, Jean-Francois Lyotard, sound studies, media studies, phenomenology of media.

Ceremony of Innocence: A Case Study of the Emergent Poetics of Interactive Narrative 3184 Jim Bizzocchi

S.M. (Master of Science)


Massachusetts Institute of Technology Peter S. Donaldson, Henry Jenkins (MIT); Dr. Tom Carey (University of Waterloo)

Comparative Media Studies

interactive narrative; aesthetics; expressionism; close reading; poetics of new media; epistolary novel; Bantock; Ceremony of Innocence; CD-ROM; Griffin and Sabine; cursor; embedded narrative;

Art in the Information Age: Cybernetics, Software, Telematics, and the Conceptual Contributions of Art and Technology to Art History and Aesthetic Theory 3161 Edward Allen Shanken



Duke University Hans Van Miegroet, WJT Mitchell

Art History

art, technology, software, information, conceptual, burnham, ascott, telematics, cybernetics, language, systems theory, information theory, robotics, telerobotics, kac

stories in between: a dissertation 3410 drew davidson



university of texas at austin sandy stone and ron greene, lynn miller, john slatin, joni jones, richard shiff, paul gray

communication studies

stories, narrative, media, games, comics, web, hypertext, performance

aether: an experiment in the phenomenology of reading 3144 Erik Conrad

M.S. Information Design and Technology


Georgia Institute of Technology Sha Xin Wei, Ken Knoespel, Stephanie Strickland

School of Literature, Communication and Culture

tactile vision, experimental documents, reading, interaction design, interactive art

Screen and Frame in Painting in the Digital Era 3398 Melina Berkenwald



University of Westminster, London. Paddy Scannell, Jane Prophet

School of Media, Art and Design / Art

painting, technology, screen, frame, art production, art display

Aesthetics and Hyper/aesthetics: Rethinking the Senses in Contemporary Media Contexts 3142 Melanie Swalwell

Doctor of Philosophy


University of Technology, Sydney Norie Neumark

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

senses, aesthetics, technology, affect, intensity, hyper, experience, experimentation, LAN, games, shock, anaesthetics, innervation, audience

Phase Space Portraits of the Nuestra Señora delos Dolores of Baclayon 3358 Fatima Lasay

Master of Fine Arts


University of the Philippines Santiago Albano Pilar

Graduate School Program, College of Fine Arts

recurrence plots, religious sculpture, dynamical systems, glass engraving,

PARABOLA-IMAGO: Creative Transmutations between Verbal and Visual Signs. PARABOLA-IMAGO: Transmutações Criativas entre o Verbal e o Visual. 3350 Agnus Valente

Master's Degree in Art


University of São Paulo, Brazil Julio Plaza Gonzalez

Arts Department - School of Communications and Arts - ECA/USP

word and image intersemiosis; visual arts, semiotics; intertextuality; open work; metalanguage; concrete poetry; heuristic methods, visual poetics, intersemiose palavra e imagem; artes visuais, semiótica; intertextualidade; obra aberta; metalinguagem; po