Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 10 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Fluid Equilibrium : ?sensing with biophotonic field through technoetic performance Yishuai Zhang

MFA Computational Arts


Goldsmiths University Helen Pritchard

Computing department

computation, performance art, biophysics, biophoton, energy landscape

Coup d’état Reclaiming Form and Color 1 Mehran Aghazadeh



Purdue University Fabian Winkler

Art and Design

Iranian culture, contemporary Islamic art, totalitarianism, theocracy, politics of visual culture, political Islam, subversive patterns

Design of Interstellar Message Based on Natural Language and It’s Application as a Multidisciplinary Art 1601 Jongkuk Won



Sogang University Jusub Kim

Art & Technology

Interstellar Message, METI, Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence, SETI, Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Multidisciplinary art, Space art, SciArt

(RE)embodying Biotechnology: Towards the Democratization of Biotechnology Through Embodied Art Practices. 3122 Jennifer Willet



Concordia University Kim Sawchuk

Interdisciplinary Humanities

bioart, embodiment, biotechnology, art, technology, bioteknica

<random> search 3123 Ayah Bdeir

Masters of Science in Media Arts and Sciences


Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chris Csikzentmihalyi

Media Lab, School of Architecture and Planning

metal detector, magnetometer wand, random selection, ethnic discrimination, pat down, security screening, racial profiling, Transportation Security Administration, body frisk, security theater, intrusive search, abuse of power, abiding traveler, silent bo

3D Information Place: Architecture for Virtual Place-Making and Information Navigation 3124 Pei-Hsien Hsu



Cambridge University Francois Penz


architecture, virtuality, place, information, navigation

A (Dis)Connected Twenty-Six: Translation, Codes and Collage in Interactive Design 3125 Jessica S. Barness

MFA Design


University of Minnesota Steven McCarthy

Graphic/Interactive Design

interactive design, translation, alphabet, code, collage, remix, performance, media, reconfiguration, usability testing, reflective practice, emergence theory

A 21st Century Flâneur : Landscape, Embodiment, and Photography 3126 Meggan L. Gould



University of Massachusetts--Dartmouth Victoria Crayhon, Magali Carrera, Spencer Ladd


photography, landscape, embodiment, virtuality, google, new media, internet art, net art, language, space, interstiality, movement, visual culture, eye, camera, remixing

A Critical Examination of “Computer Art”:Its History and Application 3127 Nicholas Lambert



Oxford University Martin Kemp

History of Art

Computer Art, history, theories, development, techniques, artists,

A design-led approach for transferring the embodied skills of puppet stop-motion animators into haptic workspaces 3128 Mariza Dima



The University of Edinburgh John Lee, Mark Wright

Edinburgh College of Art

haptics, animation, stop-motion, user interface design, HCI, experiential design, embodied cognition,