Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 103 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Embodied Worldmaking 4216 Timothy Wood



University of California, Santa Barbara JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Marcos Novak, Marko Peljhan

Media Arts and Technology

performance, somatics, live coding, media arts, technology, virtual reality, embodiment, ecology

The Masses: From the implosion of fantasies to the explosion of the political 4217 Hassan Choubassi



European Graduate School Dr. Hubertus V. Amelunxen, Dr. Wolfgang Schirmacher Prof. Dr. Paul Virilio

Media and Communication

Mobile Connectivity, Augmented Media, New Media Technology,

Enmeshed Selves 4219 Nicole Clouston



York University Barbara Balfour, Nell Tenhaaf, Natasha Myers

Visual Arts

Microbes; Lake Ontario; Mud; Collaboration; Soil; Water

Bus 22 The Other's Sonic experience 4220 Minji Kim

Master of Music


Royal Academy of Art, The Hague Arthur Elsenaar


Sound Arts

INTER-: Design for Fostering Action-Oriented Awareness Toward Sustainable Transition 4221 Elena Danlei Huang

Master of Industrial Design


Rhode Island School of Design Peter Yeadon, Heewon Lee, Kate Masury

Industrial Design

Design research, Sustainable Design, Interdisciplinary Collaboration

The digital txalaparta: An analysis of the txalaparta through software development 4222 Enrique Hurtado

Fine Arts


University of the Basque Country EHU/UPV Josu Rekalde, Thir Magnusson

Art and technology

txalaparta, software, generative

Digital Information Models – GIS and Graph – applied to heritage. The building factory in the ancient kingdom of Seville during the transition to the Modern Age 4225 Patricia Wanderley Ferreira-Lopes



University of Seville Pinto Puerto, Francisco Sebastián, Galindo Pérez de Azpillaga, Luis

Architectural Graphic Expression / Cultural Heritage

GIS Model, Graphs database Model, Heritage, Kingdom of Seville, Modern Age, historical data visualization.

Tuning Sensory Terroir: Mapping correspondences between sound and wine in a crossmodal art practice 4226 Jo Burzynska



University of New South Wales Douglas Kahn, Lindsay Kelley, Susan Bastian

Art & Design

crossmodal art, crossmodal correspondences, sound, wine, multisensory

Transeverythingism: Transgender Identities in Postmedia Audiovisual Narratives 4227 Kaylee Bear Koss, PhD



Universitat Politecnic Valencia, Spain Elias Perez Garcia, Elena Pradas, Maria Bartual

Art & Gender

postmedia art, gender, transgender, embodied cognition, posthumanism

Vector synthesis: a media archaeological investigation into sound-modulated light 4228 Derek Holzer



Aalto University Antti Ikonen, Marco Donnarumma

Department of Media, Sound in New Media

media archaeology, audiovisual performance, open source code, cathode ray tubes, obsolete technology, media art, synesthesia, vector graphics