Leonardo eBook Series for Kindle | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Leonardo eBook Series for Kindle

The Leonardo eBook Series for Kindle includes thematic collections of Leonardo content, featuring articles from the archives and brand-new scholarship.

Titles in the Series

Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks

This collection captures the excitement of creators and scholars pioneering the application of network science to culture.


Biotechnologies, Synthetic Biology, ALife and the Arts

This groundbreaking collection documents artists use of biotechnologies and artificial life.

Water Is in the Air

Physics, Politics, and Poetics of Water in the Arts

Arts and Atoms

This project documents the work of 35 leading researchers whose work explores the deep connection between chemistry and the arts.

Leonardo Reviews Quarterly 2.01

A selection of reviews from the international Leonardo Reviews panel in the theme of "The Sublime in Art and Science" along with introductory material and overview essays.