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Steve Wilson Fellowship for Scientific Delirium Madness and Women

These winners happen to be women but were selected simply because they most represented Steve Wilson's ideas with the quality and breadth of their work. Equally important were their philosophies of searching for what was needed for society's advancement in the education of the next generations (Ramirez) and looking for the roots of the meaning of art in distant cultural pasts (Brady). In each case, the two women stood out above all as confident, hard-working and skilled in their work. Above all, they each had a vision and a determined path.

Tracing Lichens

Since my time at Djerassi, one cannot help but admire the beauty of lichen, following their tangles and patterns. It is everywhere, growing on and over things, pale green strings. Each pattern unique to its kind, with incredible adaptive abilities. Its structure and symmetry decenter their objects, covering them in fibrous threads that allow for a means of transformation. They are nature, alive, ancient, not built by humans. Lichen can undergo photosynthesis in outer space and found in the earliest fossils of plant life dating 460 million years ago. They grow slowly over time, immortal, in evolution and harmony. Yet, a litmus test for pollution, which is why they are only found in abundance above the Santa Cruz mountains.

Perfection...maybe not needed

The maquette for my sculptural installation completed, I turned to making a larger version: five and half inch square faces. Since I’m working with cubes, the sized is not doubled, but cubed; of course, this makes for much more wood!

The Forces of Good and Evil

Today what I write is neither about science nor writing, but I have been thinking about it off and on all day, that ancient question of good and evil and why/how one or the other of them rises, unstoppable, a tidal wave.  Part of the reason is that today I worked on a section of my novel that takes place just before the outbreak of WW2 when Hitler rose to power, but it is also because of what is currently happening in the news.

Leonardo at SIGGRAPH 2018

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Join Leonardo/ISAST at the annual SIGGRAPH conference this year!

Once a year Leonardo publishes the SIGGRAPH journal issue, which is the result of an ongoing collaboration between Leonardo and ACM SIGGRAPH to showcase the community of artists, designers, and scholars working with computer graphics and interactive technologies.


Even though I think I know all about it, a really solid grasp of the distinction between the additive and subtractive primary colors and their separate, nuanced properties can feel just beyond my reach. We tend to work preferentially in one or other of the color spheres, depending on our metier. I’ve decided to explore color by painting wooden blocks. These blocks I’ll paint will have one face with a color from CYMK (cyan|magneta|yellow|black) and one face from RGB (red|green|blue) color space.