Leonardo | Page 391 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


LEON 34.3 - Iterated Nonlinear Functions as a Sound-Generating Engine

This article describes a method of digital sound synthesis and algorithmic composition based on iterated nonlinear functions. The mathematical framework of Functional Iteration Synthesis (FIS) is outlined, and the dynamics of a specific FIS model are explained. Given the model's peculiarly chaotic system dynamics, an empirical, exploratory attitude is needed in order to achieve compositionally relevant controls. The required method of this exploration is interactive computer music systems.

LEON 34.3 - Living Melodies: Coevolution of Sonic Communication

The authors have constructed an artificial world of coevolving communicating agents. The behavior of the agents is described in terms of a simple genetic programming framework, which allows the evolution of foraging behavior and movement in order to reproduce, as well as sonic communication. The sound of the entire world is used as musical raw material for the work. Musically interesting and useful structures are found to emerge.

LEON 34.3 - Leonardo da Vinci's Struggles with Representations of Reality

Virtual reality systems seek to simulate real scenes so that they will be seen as three-dimensional. The issues at the heart of virtual reality are old ones. Leonardo da Vinci struggled with the differences between the perception of a scene and a painting of it, which he reduced to the differences between binocular and monocular vision. He could not produce on canvas what, in the terminology of Ames, was an equivalent configuration. This was provided 300 years after Leonardo by Wheatstone's stereoscope.

LEON 34.3 - Greek Origami: A Sculpture Exploring the Golden Ratio

The author created a sculpture using a rigorous mathematical procedure informed by aesthetic decisions. The form is based on the relationships found in the golden triangle and its spiral folded into three dimensions. In creating the form, the author discovered a three-dimensional motif (the “golden gnomonoid”) with interesting mathematical properties and sculptural ramifications.

LEON 34.3 - Does Lara Croft Wear Fake Polygons? Gender and Gender-Role Subversion in Computer Adventure Games

The subject matter of this article emerged in part out of research for the author's thesis project and first game patch, Madame Polly, a “first-person shooter gender hack.” Since the time it was written, there has been an upsurge of interest and research in computer games among artists and media theoreticians. Considerable shifts in gaming culture at large have taken place, most notably a shift toward on-line games, as well as an increase in the number of female players.

LEON 34.3 - Visions Shared: A Firsthand Look into Synesthesia and Art

The author discusses her experiences as an artist and synesthete. She describes her synesthetic perceptions—her experiences of touch, sound and other sensory input in the form of often strikingly colorful visions. She explains the development of her awareness of her synesthesia and of methods and preferred techniques for communicating these experiences through painting and sculpture, thus allowing her to express what would otherwise not be fully expressible.