Stephen Petersen
independent scholarTricks of the Light: Essays on Art and Spectacle
The Night Albums: Visibility and the Ephemeral Photograph
Light on Fire: The Art and Life of Sam Francis
Brutal Aesthetics: Dubuffet, Bataille, Jorn, Paolozzi, Oldenburg
Earthrise: How Man First Saw the Earth by Robert Poole. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, U.S.A., and London, U.K., 2008, 2010. 236 pp., illus. Cloth, paper. ISBN-13: 978-03-001-3766-8; ISBN-13: 978-03-001-6403-9
New Realisms: 1957–1962: Object Strategies between Readymade and Spectacle edited by Julia Robinson. The MIT Press, Cambridge, London, U.S.A., U.K., 2010. 294 pp., illus. Paperback. ISBN: 978-0-262-51522-1
Beyond the Dream Syndicate: Tony Conrad and the Arts after Cage by Branden W. Joseph. Zone Books, New York, U.S.A., 2011. 480 pp., illus. Trade; paper. ISBN: 978-1-890951-86-3; ISBN: 978-1-890951-87-0
Marketing the Moon: The Selling of the Apollo Lunar Program
The Experience Machine: Stan VanDerBeek’s Movie-Drome and Expanded Cinema
Sculpture in Space: Flotation and Levitation in Postwar Art