| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Laurent Mignonneau

Dr. Prof.at Interface Cultures, University of Art and Design
Focus area: Computer Graphics, Digital Imaging, Animation, Digital Art, New Media, Electronics

Laurent Mignonneau is an internationally renowned media artist working in the field of interactive computer installation. He is a Professor at the University of Art and Design in Linz Austria at the Department for Interface Culture at the Institute for Media. Laurent Mignonneau previously held positions as Professor at the IAMAS International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences in Gifu, Japan and as Researchers and as Artistic Director at the ATR Media Integration and Communications Research Lab in Kyoto Japan. He was also a Visiting Researcher at the MIT CAVS in Cambridge US, the Beckmann Institute in Champaign Urbana, IL, USA and the NTT-InterCommunication Center in Tokyo, had a Chair position at Paris 8 University ATI Labex and a visiting Professor at Tsukuba University, Empowerment Informatics Program Department in Japan.

Laurent Mignonneau studied modern Art and Video Art at the “Ecole des Beaux Arts” in Angouleme, France - where he received his Master degree. Mignonneau completed his PhD degree at the University of Kobe Japan. In 1992 Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau met at the Institute for New Media at the Staedelschule in Frankfurt where they teamed up and started their collaboration in the area of interactive computer installations.

Journal Articles:

Modeling the Emergence of Complexity: Complex Systems, the Origin of Life and Interactive On-Line Art

April 2002
Artists' Article

Art as a Living System: Interactive Computer Artworks

June 1999

Creating Artificial Life for Interactive Art and Entertainment

August 2001