- Dirk Rutten, Jeroen Kascha
Order Hidden Under ChaosSylvie Pic
Visic: A Proposal for a True Color MusicRobert Emmett Mueller
Concrete Amnesia: An Indigenous Star Map Resurfaces the Downtown GridScott Parsons
Garden of ChancesGuillaume Hutzler, Bernard Gortais, Alexis Drogoul
Apparatus 3957Bill Hill
Electronic Art and the Law: Intellectual Property Rights in CyberspacePatricia Search
The dematerialization of art that began in the 1960s has reached new heights with the use of electronic media. We are at an important crossroads in defining intellectual property rights that will have a direct impact on the way we create and disseminate electronic art in the future. This paper examines the historical evolution of the definition of “author” in copyright law. The paper shows how current copyright legislation and recent court decisions do not address the plasticity of the medium and the new forms of authorship that are defined by the artistic use of techniques such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, hypermedia links and collaborative networking.
Netsurfers and Cybernauts in Search of IdentityLouise Poissant
BiotelematicsEduardo Kac
The Technoetic PredicateRoy Ascott
Mathematicians: The New Artists?Michele Emmer
Same Period, Same Problems?Marcel Frémiot
The Systematic Refusal of Modern Music and the Cult of ClassicismEmmanuel Pedler
The author argues that electronic music and classical music do not constitute two separate and isolated worlds, but instead are subject to the same well-established rules of categorization and access. Through an informal inquiry, the author shows that familiarity with contemporary composers' names (which are well assimilated by regular concertgoers) does not reflect familiarity with their actual musical works.
Leonardo On-Line Bibliographies
Unpacking Duchamp: Art in TransitMolly Beth Hankwitz
The Jew of LinzSophie Hampshire
Freakery: Cultural Spectacles of the Extraordinary BodyRichard W. Mitchell
Wow'em: Website for Young Women Interested in Electronic Art and Music
Robert Rauschenberg: A RetrospectiveRoger Malina
Materials Received
Leonardo/ISAST NEWSAndrea Blum
Artists' Article
Art as a Living System: Interactive Computer ArtworksLaurent Mignonneau
The authors design computer installations that integrate artificial life and real life by means of human-computer interaction. While exploring real-time interaction and evolutionary image processes, visitors to their interactive installations become essential parts of the systems by transferring the individual behaviors, emotions and personalities to the works' image processing. Images in these installations are not static, pre-fixed or predictable, but “living systems” themselves, representing minute changes in the viewers' interactions with the installations' evolutionary image processes.
Artists' Statements
Time Is LightHervé Nahon
Theoretical Perspective on the Arts, Sciences and Technology
From the Artificial to the Art: A Short Introduction to a Theory and Its ApplicationsMassimo Negrotti, Charles Lee
The author presents the idea that all human attempts to reproduce natural objects (“exemplars”) or their functions—that is, to build artificial objects or processes—unavoidably result in a transfiguration of the exemplars. After introducing the main concepts of a theory of the artificial, the author extends the theory to communication and the arts, both of which provide compelling examples of the generation of artificial objects or processes. The author conceives of art as a paradoxical communication process by which transfiguration does not represent a failure of the reproduction process but, rather, the true objective of the artist.
General Note
Buildings and Human Figures Aware of Each OtherRudolf Arnheim
The visual relationship between buildings and human beings is treated as the interaction between two systems: the reality system, dealing with the physical world in and of itself, and the apprehension system, dealing with the world looked at and represented by viewers. The two systems interact in a unitary physical world and can also be depicted in the visual arts.
The Souillac II Conference on Art, Industry and Innovation: Final Report with an Introduction by Martin MalvyDon Foresta, Georges-Albert Kisfaludi, Jonathan Barton, Konstantinos Vandikas
This document builds on the discussion among art and industry representatives documented in “The Souillac Charter for Art and Industry: A Framework for Collaboration” (Leonardo 31, 3 [1998]). Specific projects and project ideas are presented, with the aim of increasing collaboration between artists and the telecommunications industry. Such increased collaboration will result in greater recognition and protection for artists and in greater innovation and creativity for industry.
Special Section: The Aesthetic Status of Technological Art
Introduction: The Aesthetic Status of Technological ArtJacques Mandelbrojt, Marcel Frémiot, Roger Malina
Extended Abstract
What is the Color of the Tone?Jörg Jewanski
Leonardo Reviews
In the Eye of the Beholder: The Science of Face PerceptionWilfred Niels Arnold