Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 9 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Cell Portraits: recognising the body through representations of cancer cells in the public domain. 3867 Julie Light

MA in Art & Science


University of the Arts, London
Mediating Reality: Challenging the authoritative voice of the natural history museum through (bio)systems art 4078 Colin Clark



University of the Arts London/Central Saint Martins Heather Barnett

MA Art & Science

European Avant-garde: Art, Borders and Culture in Relationship to Mainstream Cinema and New Media 3232 Lanfranco Aceti



University of the Arts London: Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Malcom Le Grice, Laura Mulvey

Fine Art

post-modern, post-human, cyborg, cyberart, ekphrasis, digital art, remediation, hybridization, esotechnology, endotechnology, trans-media, intra-media, evolutionary media

Processpatching, defining new methods in aRt&D 3369 ANne NIgten



University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, SMARTlab programme (UK) Lizbeth Goodman, James Swinson, prof. Lynda Hardman

media art

electronic art, art and science, collaboration, methods

Computer Generated Text and Hybrid Writing: Creative and Ethical Dimensions 4310 Geoff Davis



University of the Arts London Mick Grierson

Creative Computing Institute

Human-computer collaboration; co-creativity; generative art; writing support; natural language processing; text generation; writing tools, creativity support tools; user interface; user experience; future of jobs; employment; automation; story generator

Sounds Are Objects - Understanding Creativity with Sound through Embodied Cognition 3964 Leon Radschinski-Gorman

MA Art and Science


University of the Arts London Susan Aldworth

Cognitive Science

Embodied, Cognition, Conceptual, Metaphor, Synaesthesia, Crossmodal, Audiovisual, Creativity, Sound

Between Technophilia, Cold War and Rationality: A Social and Cultural History of Digital Art 3661 German Alfonso Nunez



University of the Arts London Michael Asbury

Transnational Art, Identity and Nation Research Center / Art History and Theory

digital art, art history, social history, cultural history, postwar art, contemporary art, art theory, social history of art

Do any illustrations of evolution by natural selection actually illustrate evolution by natural selection? 3569 Rebecca Price

Masters in Art and Science


University of the Arts London Heather Barnett

Art and Science

Art, Illustration, Evolution, Science, March of Progress, Tree of Life, Charles Darwin, Carl Sagan, Natural Selection, Inaccurate depictions

Lingua Extraterrestris: lessons in universal communication or the communication designer's understanding of CETI in science and fiction 3302 Marek Kultys



University of the Arts London Ken Hollings

MA Communication Design

CETI, communication design, Drake equation, channel, context, contact, code, Jakobson, Shannon-Weaver, extraterrestrial intelligence, communication, interdisciplinary, science, science fiction, Arecibo message, Pioneer, Voyager, space, Strzeminski, Stanis

Behind the Silicon Curtain: Computer Art in the Eastern Bloc 3637 Todor Bozhinov

Master of Arts


University of the Arts Bremen Dr. Frieder Nake

Digital Media

computer art, history, computing, Eastern Bloc, Iron Curtain