Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 7 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Aesthetics & Art in the Early Development of Human-Computer Interfaces 3141 Nader Salha

PhD (Dr. -Ing.)


University of Bremen Dr. Frieder Nake, David Canfield Smith

Computer Science

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Aesthetics, Art, user interface, GUI, Interaction design, post-usability

Aesthetics and Hyper/aesthetics: Rethinking the Senses in Contemporary Media Contexts 3142 Melanie Swalwell

Doctor of Philosophy


University of Technology, Sydney Norie Neumark

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

senses, aesthetics, technology, affect, intensity, hyper, experience, experimentation, LAN, games, shock, anaesthetics, innervation, audience

Aesthetics of seams. The emergence of media properties 3623 Alessio Chierico



Kunstuniversität Linz (Austria) Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau, Martin Kaltenbrunner

Interface Culture

aesthetics, representation, interpretation, digital ontology, materiality, seamless, seamful

Aesthetics, Writing, Networked Computers 3143 Joerg Mueller



European Graduate School (EGS) Dr. Wolfgang Schirmacher, Avital Ronell, Diana Davis


aesthetics, aisthesis, computer, computing, intuition, cultural technology, writing, senses, sensible, complexity, logic of sensation, affection, cellular automata, Universal Turing Machine, cybernetics

aether: an experiment in the phenomenology of reading 3144 Erik Conrad

M.S. Information Design and Technology


Georgia Institute of Technology Sha Xin Wei, Ken Knoespel, Stephanie Strickland

School of Literature, Communication and Culture

tactile vision, experimental documents, reading, interaction design, interactive art

Affect and the experimental design of domestic products 3613 Guy Keulemans



University of New South Wales Katherine Moline, Anna Munster

Art & Design

afffect; design; products; experimental desgn; hylomorphism; sustainability; environment; production; consumption; consumerism; repair; anomaly, industry, manufacturing

Affection Research Lab: Affection Stations & The Signal Archive 3145 Salvador Orara



Art Center College of Design Philip van Allen, Shannon Herbert, Elise Co, Mike Milley, Casey Anderson, and Norman Klein

Media Design

Affective Computing, Mythological Interaction, Sound, Noise

Affective Enactive Systems in Art and TechnoScience: Vital Experiences of Displacement in the City 3628 Tiago Franklin Rodrigues Lucena



University of Brasilia Diana Maria Gallicchio Domingues, Ramesh Raskar

Art Institute

Art and TechnoScience. Bioart. Affective Enactive System. Displacements. Physiological Sensors. Ubiquity.

AFFECTS: Intermedial Images between Art, Philosophy, and Science 3146 Julainne S. Sumich

Doctorate in Fine Arts


The University of Auckland, New Zealand Carole Shepheard, Bruce MacDonald

Fine Arts

affect, intermedial, images of thought, autonomic response to novelty, conceptual fusion

Afjordance 4196 Rachel wolfe



Independently created

affordance, technology, vision, imaging, remote viewing, embodied cognition, algorithm, music, sound