Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 13 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Arte Eletrônica:elo perdido entre Ciência, Design e Tecnologia 4170 Elen Cristina Carvalho Nascimento

Master in Design


Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Jorge Roberto Lopes dos Santos

Department of Arts and Design

Design; Art; Science; Technology.

Arte y precariedad. Nociones. Preceptos. Apegos. Contextos. Experiencias / Art and precariousness. Notions. Precepts. Bents. Contexts. Experiences. 3938 Arturo Cancio Ferruz

Ph. D.


University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Concepción Elorza ibáñez de Gauna

Department of Art and Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts

Precariousness, art, labour market, economic activity, artistic practice, aesthetics of precariousness

Artefacts, Technicity and Humanisation: industrial design and the problem of anoetic technologies 3164 Stephen James Thompson

Doctor of Philosophy


University of Plymouth Dr. Michael Punt, Mr Robert Pepperell Mr Mike Phillips

School of Computing, Communications & Electronics/Industrial Design Philosophy

industrial design, design philosophy, technicity, artefacts, scale.

Articulating Space: Geometric Algebra for Parametric Design -- Symmetry, Kinematics, and Curvature 3674 Pablo Colapinto



University of California Santa Barbara Marko Peljhan, JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Curtis Roads

Media Arts and Technology

Computer Aided Design, Robotics, Crystallography, Architectural Geometry, Deployable Structures, Geometric Algebra

Artificial Intelligence and Art 3165 Penousal machado



University of Coimbra Amílcar Cardoso

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Art, Biology Inspired Art, Generative Art, Computational Creativity

Artificial Theaters: Staging Life in the Age of Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence 4061 Yvan Tina



The University of Texas at Dallas Roger Malina, Yannick Butel

Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication

language, technology, theatricality, dispositive, life

Artist-Programmers and Programming Languages for the Arts 4264 Alex McLean



Goldsmiths, University of London Geraint Wiggins


live coding, creative coding, vocable synthesis, computational creativity, computer music

Artistic anti-fraud activism against online advance fee fraud 3641 Andreas Zingerle



University of Art and Design Linz, Austria Gitti Vasicek

Department of Media

419 scam, vigilante communities, artivism, computer mediated communication, scambaiting

Artistic narratives at heterogeneous environments: an analysis of Global Strike project 3821 Clayton Policarpo

Master of Tecnologies of Intelligence and Digital Design


Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (Brazil) Lucia Santaella

Tecnologies of Intelligence and Digital Design

artistic narratives, digital art, Global Strike, actor-network theory, media ecology

Artistic practices on mobile screens : the creation of a programming language 3757 Dominique Cunin



Paris 8 Jean-Louis Boissier

Esthetic, sciences and technologies of the arts

Interactivity, digital technology art, mobile screen, programming, software architecture, dispositif, Mobilizing.