Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 6 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Media arts and social transformation in Chile during transition period 1990-2014 3671 Valentina Montero Peña



Barcelona University Laura Baigorri

Department Design and Image

media art, politic, Chile

Facilitating Human Computer Interaction Artworks: The Nature of Interactivity Within Architectonic Schemes 3620 Luba Diduch

Doctor of Philosophy


Bath Spa University Anthony Head, Julia Moszkowicz

Digital Technologies/Interdisciplinary

architectonics, ethnography, co-creativity, interactivity, touchpoints, configuration, agora

Project knole: An Autocosmic Approach To AuthoringResonant Computational Characters 4211 Robert Sherman



Bath Spa University, UK Kate Pullinger, Leon Watts

Creative Writing and Human-Computer Interaction

ai, storytelling, videogames, installation, heritage

Black Body Radiation 3659 Melisa Palacio / Claire Dorweiler

MFA Media Art & Design


Bauhaus-Universtät Weimar, Germany Dr. Walter Bauer-Wabnegg, Micky Remann

Media FAculty / Multimedia Design

Blackbody Radiation, visual science, multimedia performance, interdisciplinarity, Max Planck, science & Art

The Arena Spectacular from Ben Hur Live to Isles of Wonder: Adaptation, Post-cinema and the Postcivil Richard Whitby



Birkbeck, University of London Barry Curtis

The London Consortium

arena, post-civil, adaptation, architecture, entertainment, digital, cinema, Ben-Hur, Batman, Olympics, regeneration, post-cinema

Finitude, Possibility, Dimensionality: Aesthetics After Complexity Mattia Paganelli



Birmingham City University Johnny Golding

Centre for FIne Art Research, Birmingham School of Art

Aesthetics, Contemporary Art, Complexity Theory, Diffraction, Dimensionality, Emergence, Feedback Loop, Finitude, Logic of Sense, Materiality, Possibility,

Diffracting Painting: 'Mattering' as Reconfiguration of its Making, Understanding and Encountering alberto condotta



Birmingham City University Johnny Golding

Birmingham School of Art

Aesthetics; Art Theory; Complexity Theory; Deconstruction; Painting; Theory and Practice of Visual Art; Art Encounters; Mattering; Practice-led Art Research; Sense of Self; Agential Realism; Diffraction; Phenomenology of Art; Radical Matter; Homage Art; Phenomenological Analysis of Art; Phenomenology of Painting

Musical Expression in Performance 3323 Ju-Lee Hong



Birmingham Conservatoire, UCE Peter Johnson, Liz Garnett

Music / Musicology, Performance

expression, performance, cello, computer-based analysis

Photography as the Aesthetic Determination of Difference 3359 Daniel Rubinstein



Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD), Birmingham City University Johnny Golding, Steve Kennedy


Photography, multiplicity, difference, aesthetics, post-structuralism, incorporeal materialism, affect, sense, Deleuze, Heidegger

Fixing it in the present - the decisive moment in high dynamic range landscape photography 4244 Rehan Zia



Bournemouth University