Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 5 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Te Kore - Exploring the M?ori Concept of Void Moana Nepia



Auckland University of Technology - Te Whare W?nanga õ Tamaki Makau Rau Tina Engels-Schwarzpaul, Welby Ings, Wiremu Kaa

Art & Design

Te Kore - M?ori concept of void, nothingness and potentiality; Indigenous and M?ori epistemologies, kaupapa and tikanga M?ori; Inter-disciplinary and creative practice-led research; Mohi Ruatapu; Te Aot?warirangi; Ng?ti Porou; Ruawaipu; Rongowhakaata

Strange Relations. A design inquiry into infrastructure as topological place. 3928 Carl Douglas

Doctor of Philosophy


Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand Tina Engels-Schwarzpaul, Ross Jenner

Art and Design / Spatial Design

Infrastructure; Public space; Landscape urbanism; Architectural theory; Architectural drawing; Auckland; Urban design

Motion Within Motion: Investigating Digital Video in Light of Substantial Motion 3575 Azadeh Emadi

Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD)


Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Tina Engles ShwarzPaul, Laura U.Marks (SFU-Vancouver), Dr. Geraldene Peters (AUT, New Zealand)

Digital Media Arts and Cultural Studies (Faculty of Design and Crearive Technologies)

Digital media; Moving image arts; Philosophy; Cultural studies; Persian Islamic philosophy; Film theory

Communicating Science: Explorations through Science and Art 3517 Eleanor Gates-Stuart


Australian National University Susan M. Stocklmayer AM, David Lovell, Dr Rod Lamberts

Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science

ScienceArt, Science and Art, Collaboration, Insects, Science Museums

Visibilities and Invisibilities of Wonder: A Practice-Led Exploration of Optical Image Systems 4213 Deirdre Feeney



Australian National University Helen Ennis, John Debs

School of Art & Design, and Research School of Physics

invisibility, visibility, wonder, natural magic, optical glass, device, optics, technology, instrumentation, technological device, contemporary art, media archaeology, history of technology, philosophy of technological object

Fieldwork – a conceptual methodology linking science and art. 4275 Donald Fortescue



Australian National University Christopher McAuliffe

School of Art and Design / Visual Arts

Antarctica, neutrino, South Pole, sculpture, sound, fieldwork, noise, signal, pareidolia, artefact, instrument, transcription, transduction.

Cross Connections:Online activism, real worldoutcomes 3736 Tracey M Benson

PhD, New Media and Technology


Australian National University Catherine Summerhayes

New Media and Technology

Internet, World Wide Web, Accessibility, Activism, Social Relations, Social Justice, Hacktivists,Online, Hackers, Identity, Net Activism, Tactical Media, Web Design, Virtuality, VirtualCommunities, Refugee, Borders, Alienation, Censorship, Blogging, Mass

Resemblance and Representation 3387 Ben Blumson



Australian National University Daniel Stoljar


Depiction; Pictures; Resemblance; Representation; Goodman

Bioart. An Aesthetic of Disorganisation 3680 Laura Benítez Valero

PhD in Philosophy


Autonomous University of Barcelona Gerard Vilar


Bioart, Body, Life, semi-living-entities, Disorganisation, Bioplotics, Bioethics, Postnatural, Artistic research, estrangement

The Transcendental Nature of New Media Art: An Examination of the Gap Between New Media and Contemporary Art 3981 Katy E. Parsons



Azusa Pacific University Daniel Siedell, Angela George

Modern Art History, Theory, and Critique

new media art , media art , time-based art , virtual reality , creative technology , installation methodology , immersive art