Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 3 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Experiences from Designing a Wearable Interface For an Interaction through Breathing 3237 Anna Salmi

MA in New Media


Aalto University, School of Art and Design, Department of Media, Media Lab Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski

Department of Media, Media Lab, New Media

wearables, wearable interface, wearable computing, wearable electronics, fashionable technologies, smart textiles, physical computing, embedded systems, bodily interaction, interactive installations, experimental sound installation, experience design

Understanding Fukushima. Designing for an embodied interaction with citizen science data 3494 Ben Dromey

MA in New Media


Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture Pipsa Asiala, Koray Tahiroglu

Department of Media/ New Media

Fukushima, ionising radiation, New Media, embodied interaction, phenomenology, Merleau-Ponty, citizen science, aes- thetics of interaction, sonification

to/from. Designing a Non-Verbal Reciprocal Online Connection. Case study of Japan Support Flags. 3477 Satoko Hinomizu

MA in New Media


Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture Pipsa Asiala, Rasmus Vuori

Department of Media/ New Media

user experience design, visual communication, non-verbal, reciprocity, user interface, geolocation

A SoftGIS Revision: Towards Digitally Mediated Locative Dialogue is Support of Urban Planning 3135 Sara Jacobsen

MA in New Media


Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture Pipsa Asiala, Joanna Saad-Sulonen

Department of Media/ New Media

softGIS, ICT, urban planning, community informatics, space, place, people-centered design, interaction design

Imagining Responsible Data Representations - A feminist exploration of embodied techniques of representing data 4334 Nynne Lucca



Aarhus University Winnie Soon

School of Communication and Culture

data representation, intersectional feminism, imagination, it and feminism, feminist workshop, critical making, critical design, creative constraints

Cornelius, Nicholai, Phil and me 4305 Daniela Elneff

Master of Science


Aarhus University Morten Breinbjerg

Communication and Culture

Plant-bioacoustic, acoustic ecology, sound experiments, poetic sound composition, poetical thinking, post-phenomenology, rhythm-analysis

Executing Liveness: An examination of the live dimension of code inter-actions in software (art) practice 3718 Winnie Soon



Aarhus University Geoff Cox, Jane Prophet and Dr. Christian Ulrik Andersen

Software Studies

software; art; culture; liveness

Arcades, let's plays, and avant-gardes : perspectives for analysing and developing videogame exhibitions for arts audiences 4253 Emilie Reed



Abertay University William Huber, Robin Sloan, Clare Brennan

School of Design and Informatics, Department of Games and Art

Videogames, Exhibitions, Museum studies, Interactive art, Art History, Game studies

Algorithms in Art 4280 Magda Stanová

PhD in Fine Arts


Academy of Fine Arts in Prague Tomáš Van?k

fine art

creative process, perception of art, fade rate, algorithm, pleasure, fitness function, ambiguity, trigger miners, thrill combo

Eldorado 3785 Edouard Beau

Master's degree - Practise based doctorate


Academy of France - Casa de Velazquez- Madrid

New technologies, deep learning, immersive systems, cognitive system, generative art piece, anthropology, sociology, territory analysis, Anti-disciplinary piece Anthropology Cognition lab Consciousness studies Deep learning Ethnocentrism paradigm shift Ex

New technologies, deep learning, immersive systems, cognitive system, generative art piece, anthropology, sociology, territory analysis, Anti-disciplinary piece Anthropology Cognition lab Consciousness studies Deep learning Ethnocentrism paradigm shift Ex