Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 5 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Quality of Aesthetic Experience and Implicit Modulating Factors 3694 Wendy Ann Mansilla

Philosophiae Doctor


Norwegian University of Science and Technology Andrew Perkis, Touradj Ebrahimi,

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Model of Aesthetic Evaluation, Quotidian Aesthetics, Pleasure Technologies, Implicit Experiences, Emotional Use of Colour, Exposure Effect, Human-Computer Interaction

Musical Composition Techniques of Maurice Ravel and Toru Takemitsu To Digital Cinema 3624 Wen-Shing Ho

Doctor of Science


Waseda University, Tokyo Japan Kohei Ando, Takashi Kawai

Global Information and Telecommunication Studies/Screen Image

Cinematic Language, Musical Notation, Digital Cinema, Jazz Improvisation,French Impressionist composer , Film Music, Toru Takemitsu, Takao Dancer, Thief, Water

A Speculative Assemblage: Design of Image-driven Interactive Experiences Weidi Zhang



University of California Santa Barbara George Legrady

Media Arts and Technology Program

Experience Design
Experimental Visualization
Immersive Media Design
Interactive AI Art

“OPEN DÉCIMA” (OPEN TEN-LINE STANZA). Study of the relationship between the HTML computer language and the ten-line stanza poetry. 3979 Viviana Álvarez Chomón

Master of Media Arts


UCHILE. University of Chile Valentina Montero

Media Arts

code poetry, Medial archeology, HTML

Movies on the hemispherical screen: Fulldome, animation and experimentation Vitor Lacerda



Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) Maurício Silva Gino

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes

Fulldome; Hemispherical Screen; Expanded Cinema; Planetarium

Dark Room Project 3198 Virginia M Madsen

Doctorate Of Creative Arts(DCA)


University of Technology, Sydney Norie Neumark, Stephen Muecke

Dept. of Media and Text, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Theories and cultures of listening and vision, radio and audio arts, television and virtual reality, Critical theory, media theory, Paul Virilio, Michel Serres, Jean-Francois Lyotard, sound studies, media studies, phenomenology of media.

Neuroaesthetics as self-knowledge of the artist. Introspection as Methodology of analysis of artistic creativity. 4181 Vincent-Paul Lorne (Pierre d'Argyll)

Ph. D.


Complutense University of Madrid Dolores Fernández Martínez

Painting and Restoration, School of Fine Arts

introspection; art creativity; first-person analysis; autobiographic memory; neurophenomenology; neuroaesthetics

Microsound, spectra, and objectivity: tracing memetics in organised sound 3711 Vincent Giles

Doctor of Philosophy


University of Melbourne Peter Roger Alsop, Alistair Riddell

Victorian College of the Arts

memes; memetics; music composition; philosophy of organised sound; philosophy of intention and reception; organised sound; sonic art

Languages of Russian and Chinese narrative video art 3544 Victoria Marchenkova

PhD in arts


RSUH Kolotaev, Vladimir Alexeevich

TV-, film and other Screen arts

video art, contemporary art, Chinese art, Russian art, media, cross-cultural analysis, post-socialism, narrative

Tropism-oriented generative design: analogical models for heterogeneous goal integration 3490 Victor Bunster

Master of Philosophy (MPhil)


The University of Melbourne Bharat Dave, Stanislav Roudavsky


generative architecture, design computation, tropism analogy, goal integration, social housing