Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 107 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Structuring Somnolence: sleep science technology as a medium for drawing with the body at rest 3413 Lisa Carrie Goldberg

Master of Science in Biological Arts


The University of Western Australia Ionat Zurr, Peter Eastwood

SymbioticA- the Center of Excellence in Biological Arts, School of Anatomy and Human Biology, Faculty of Life and Physical Sciences

sleep, sleep science, sleep biology, sleep technology, sleep architecture, bioart, architecture, art,

may the mice bite me if it is not true 3311 verena kaminiarz

MSc Biological Art


University Of Western Australia Ionat Zurr

SymbioticA, School of Anatomy and Human Biology

Biological Art,

in vitero: Exploring an interspecies aesthetic of care 3281 Tarsh Bates

MSc (Biological Art)


The University of Western Australia Ionat Zurr

SymbioticA/Biological Art

aesthetics of care; interspecies; alterity; model organisms; estrangement; intimacy; performance; biological art

The learning observed by Maria Sibylla Merian: contributions to the learning of the insects mediated by technology of information and communication 3847 Elaine Ferreira Machado

master´s degree


Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Awdry Feisser Miquelin


Maria Sibylla Merian; teaching insects; virtual insectarium; mediation of the TIC.

A Hyper-media & Project-based Approach to Music, Sound & Media Art 3578 Marinos Koutsomichalis



De Montfort University John Richards, Simon Emmerson


hypermediacy, sound art, music, media art, site-responsive, project, exploration

A time phenomena study based on tabletop interaction 3137 Carles Sora i Domenjó

Master thesis (MS)


Universitat Pompeu Fabra Sergi Jordà

Technology department

Time, metaphor, tangible interaction, interaction design, cultural interfaces, tabletop interaction, moving images

Artistic narratives at heterogeneous environments: an analysis of Global Strike project 3821 Clayton Policarpo

Master of Tecnologies of Intelligence and Digital Design


Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (Brazil) Lucia Santaella

Tecnologies of Intelligence and Digital Design

artistic narratives, digital art, Global Strike, actor-network theory, media ecology

Discovering Mixed Reality: inventing design criteria for an action based Mixed Reality 3215 Mette Ramsgard Thomsen



University College London Peter Cook, Mel Slater

The Bartlett School of Architecture

Mixed Reality, embodied interfaces, event space, architecture

An Investigation of Holographic Technologies Applied to Contemporary Art Practice - A new approach to define temporal aesthetics 3864 Yin-Ren Chang



De Montfort University Martin Richardson, Robert Chien-Chung Chen and Mr Nick Higgett

The Faculty of Technology

Holographic art, Time-based media art, Practice-based research, Reflection hologram, Chinese calligraphy

The Arena Spectacular from Ben Hur Live to Isles of Wonder: Adaptation, Post-cinema and the Postcivil Richard Whitby



Birkbeck, University of London Barry Curtis

The London Consortium

arena, post-civil, adaptation, architecture, entertainment, digital, cinema, Ben-Hur, Batman, Olympics, regeneration, post-cinema