Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 100 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Synchronization of the Imaginaries. How Machine Learning is Changing the Way We See the Globe 4112 Aurora Bertoli



IUAV, University of Architecture in Venice, Italy Emanuele Arielli

Visual Art

Machine learning, imaginary, synchronisation, aesthetics

MG (aka I Want a Baby!, Reimagined): A Feminist, Speculative, Queer Exploration of the Content and Context of Sergei Tret’iakov’s 1926 play "I Want a Baby!" 4111 Angela S. Beallor



Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Mary Anne Staniszewski

Electronic Arts

Feminism, Queer Studies, Russian Avant-garde, Sergei Tret'iakov, Soviet, Soviet Theatre

smart mirror 4102 Pearpeerune uthaisang

Master degrees


the west of England Dave Meckin, Daniel Buzzo

smart, magic,mirror,easy,decorate,technology,creative

All-Women Initiatives in Art and Technology 1986-2020. Atenea: Mentoring and Networking Project in STEAM 4100 Robles Mateo, Elena



Universitat Politècnica de València Lloret Romero, María Nuria

Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual Documentación e Historia del Arte / Digital Art Theory-History

All-women, self-organized, initiatives, new media arts, art, technology, mapping, alternative art spaces, collaboration, segregation, ICT, digital age, virtual, community, network cultures, feminism, cyberfeminism, Atenea, STEM, girls, organizational, cur

Cloud computing as digital imaginary 4098 Jayn Verkerk

Doctor of Philosophy


Victoria University of Wellington Assoc. Prof Sydney Shep, Anne Niemetz


cloud computing, critical making, black boxed technology, invisible technology, digital imaginary, digital materiality, digital artefacts, physical artefacts, creative practice, data surveillance, user imaginary, Internet of things, Internet aesthetic

Deep Interactive Evolutionary Systems for Assisted Creativity 4097 Carlos Tejeda Ocampo

Master of Science in Computer Science


Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey Armando López Cuevas

School of Engineering and Sciences

Generative Adversarial Networks, Interactive Evolutionary Computation, Deep Interactive Evolution, Deep Interactive Evolutionary Systems, Neural Art, StyleGAN, Style-Based Generator

Dynamic music: the implications of interactive technologies on popular music making 4094 Tracy Redhead

Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


The University of Newcastle Richard Vella


dynamic music; interactive technologies; reactive music; contextual music; interactive music; algorithmic music; popular music; future music; generative music; adaptive music; game audio; music composition

Towards a definition of digital narratives in art museums 4092 Maria Isabel Hidalgo Urbaneja

PhD Information Studies


University of Glasgow Ian G Anderson, Maria Economou, Nuria Rodriguez Ortega

Information Studies, Museum Studies

digital narratology, museum studies, online exhibitions, online publications

Feral Robotic Birds 4091 Lou Terry

MA Computational Arts


Goldsmiths University of London Helen Pritchard


Environmental sensing, environmental media, actor network theory, multispecies, sound, computational art

Years of Life Lost (before they can ossify) 4088 Dorsey Kaufmann



University of Arizona Ellen McMahon, Mo´nica Ramírez-Andreotta, Aaron Coleman, Stacie Widdifield

Illustration and Design

environmental justice, systems theory, labor theory of value, Marxism, mining waste, resource extraction