Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 9 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Trans-action: an actor-network approach to interactivity in the visual arts 3482 Mark Cypher



University of Western Australia Ian McLean

Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts

trans-action, interactivity, visual arts, actor-network theory, distributed cognition, distributed embodiment, enactive signification, relational materiality, information materiality,

Tracing the History and Theory of Conceptual Art and Technology: the Case Study on Harold Cohen 4044 Merve Sahin

Master of Arts


San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI) Meredith Tromble, Frank Smigiel (Reader), Vanessa Chang(Reader)

History and Theory of Contemporary Art

creativity, conceptual arts, art and technology, art criticism, harold cohen, history and theory, formalism, clement Greenberg, jack burnam, cybernetics, language, Aaron, drawing, coloring, visual imagery, semantics, syntax, mysticism, Alan Turing, mimick

Towards Autonomous Agents for Live Computer Music: Realtime Machine Listening and Interactive Music Systems 3481 Nicholas Mark Collins



Cambridge Ian Cross and Dr Alan Blackwell

Computer Music

virtual musicians, machine musicianship, interactive music systems, machine listening, beat tracking, musical agents, onset detection, perceptual attack time, audio analysis, autonomous agents

Towards an Ecosophy: A Reading of the Critical Significance of Experimental Ethnographic Video Through the Lens of Félix Guattari’s 'The Three Ecologies' 4019 Edward Christie

Master of Arts


The Courtauld Institute of Art Julian Stallabrass

History of Art

Experimental Ethnographic Video, Ecosophy, Environmental Crisis, Crisis, Climate Change, Felix Guattari

Towards a Species Songbook: Illuminating the Vocalisations of the Australian Pied Butcherbird (Cracticus nigrogularis) 3480 Hollis Taylor

Doctor of Philosophy


University of Western Sydney, Australia Michael Atherton, Garth Paine

School of Contemporary Arts

birdsong, pied butcherbird, zoömusicology, notation, sonogram

Towards a sciart prospectus for climate change 3479 Andrew Ormston

MSc Environment, Culture and Society


University of Edinburgh Emily Brady


sciart; scientist and artist collaboration; interdisciplinarity; polar art; visualization; communication of science

Towards a Practitioner Model of Mobile Music 4050 Steve Jones



De Montfort University John Richards, Bret Battey

Music, Technology and Innovation

mobile, music, sound, performance practice, media, apps, walking

Towards a Poetics of Interaction. Design, Code, Plot 4127 Martin Pablo Groisman



Universidad de Buenos Aires Oscar Traversa, Mariana Salgado

Architecture + Design+ Media Art

Design, Interactive, Immersive, Storytelling

Towards a Model for Artificial Aesthetics: Contributions to the Study of Creative Practices in Procedural and Computational Systems 3764 Miguel Carvalhais



University of Porto Heitor Alvelos, Penousal Machado

Art and Design

Algorithmic, Art, Design, Digital, Ergodic, Generative, Media, Procedural

Towards a Feelosophy of Art 4208 Laura Hyunjhee Kim



University of Colorado Boulder Mark Amerika, Lori Emerson

Intermedia Art, Writing and Performance

Art, Emotion, Feelosophy, Performance, Remix, Speculative Nonfiction