Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 8 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Gaming in Art 3260 Marc Boucher



University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Christo Doherty

Digital Arts

art games, mods, videogames, new media,

Monster Camera: Creating perpetually unique horror experiences using disempowerment, reflection and uncertainty to imply a threat within video games 4054 Nicolaas Remmert Spreeth

MA Digital Arts


University of the Witwatersrand Raymond Whitcher

Wits School of Arts

Horror, Suspense through disempowerment, Procedural Generation, Research Tool.

A historical enquiry into the animation unit, situated within the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) 1976-1988 3563 Shanaz Shapurjee



University of the Witwatersrand Christo Doherty, Maureen Furniss


animation; television; apartheid; broadcasting; south africa; empirical; history

The Sublime in Interactive Digital Installation: An analysis of three artworks: Listerning Post, Translator II: Grower, The Cloud Harp 3465 Tegan Bristow

Masters in Digital Arts (MA)


University of the Witwatersrand Christo Doherty

Digital Arts - Interactive Digital Media

Sublime, Interactive Digital Installation, Nature and Technology

Review and development of techniques for studying cellular biophysics with high frequency ultrasound 4028 Maja Herrie



University of the West of Scotland Katherine Kirk, David Hutson

Thin Films, Sensors and Imaging/Bioacoustics

Biophysics, Ultrasound, Molecular bioacoustics, Interdisciplinary, Philosophy

Phase Space Portraits of the Nuestra Señora delos Dolores of Baclayon 3358 Fatima Lasay

Master of Fine Arts


University of the Philippines Santiago Albano Pilar

Graduate School Program, College of Fine Arts

recurrence plots, religious sculpture, dynamical systems, glass engraving,

Arte y precariedad. Nociones. Preceptos. Apegos. Contextos. Experiencias / Art and precariousness. Notions. Precepts. Bents. Contexts. Experiences. 3938 Arturo Cancio Ferruz

Ph. D.


University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Concepción Elorza ibáñez de Gauna

Department of Art and Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts

Precariousness, art, labour market, economic activity, artistic practice, aesthetics of precariousness

The digital txalaparta: An analysis of the txalaparta through software development 4222 Enrique Hurtado

Fine Arts


University of the Basque Country EHU/UPV Josu Rekalde, Thir Magnusson

Art and technology

txalaparta, software, generative

The Tree of Art. A Trans-sensorial and Intersubjective Matrix for a Non- visual Art and for the Silence of the Artistic I. 3469 Cristina Miranda de Almeida

European Phd Thesis


University of the Basque Country Inmaculada Jiménez Huertas

Department of Drawing, Faculty of Fine Arts

art, science, trans-sensoriality, intersubjectivity, multidimensionality, silence of the artistic I, co-creation, sensitive models, tree of art matrix, creativity, trans-disciplinarity, sensorial perception, memory, intuition.

From the virtual to the physical: expanding the boundaries between art and life through emersive digital games 3798 Samue Gallastegui González



University of The Baque Country Cristina Miranda de Almeida de Barros

Art and Technology

Art, Video games, Emersion, Serious games, gamification