Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 3 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Tracing the History and Theory of Conceptual Art and Technology: the Case Study on Harold Cohen 4044 Merve Sahin

Master of Arts


San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI) Meredith Tromble, Frank Smigiel (Reader), Vanessa Chang(Reader)

History and Theory of Contemporary Art

creativity, conceptual arts, art and technology, art criticism, harold cohen, history and theory, formalism, clement Greenberg, jack burnam, cybernetics, language, Aaron, drawing, coloring, visual imagery, semantics, syntax, mysticism, Alan Turing, mimick

Data Persuasion: Employing a Trustworthy Nudge System in Social Connection via Re-Definitions of Experience, Ownership and Trust in the Future AI-Driven Servicescapes 3788 Minwoo Kim

Master of Arts


Royal College of Art

Service Design

Labyrinth Psychotica Simulating Psychotic Phenomena 3703 Jennifer Kanary Nikolov(a)



Plymouth University Mike Phillips

Media Arts

psychosis simulation

Le son plastique : empreindre le flux et l'inouï. Sonification et audification dans l'art de l'installation 3799 Lorella Abenavoli



Université du Québec à Montréal Louise Poissant, Jocelyn Robert

Faculté des Arts

Sonification. Audification. Parameter Mapping Sonification. Installation. Sound art. Audio art. Sound installation. So(g)nification.

Naturalism in Synthetic Aesthetics 3774 David Martinez-Moreno

Low-Residency Masters in Fine Arts


School of the Art Institute of Chicago Tyler Coburn, Jens Hauser

Art and Technology/Low-Residency MFA

Bonsai, BioArt, Synthetic Aesthetics, Nature, Naturalism, Entropy, negentropy

Therapeutic Robots in Media Arts Context 4141 Gohar Vardanyan



Aalborg University, Denmark Associate Elizabeth Jochum/Aalborg University, Denmark

School of Communication, Art & Technology/Media Arts Cultures program

robotic art, therapeutic robots, social robots, mimesis, performance, media arts

Behind the Silicon Curtain: Computer Art in the Eastern Bloc 3637 Todor Bozhinov

Master of Arts


University of the Arts Bremen Dr. Frieder Nake

Digital Media

computer art, history, computing, Eastern Bloc, Iron Curtain

Bishojo simulator: a social network simulator of fictional female AI agents 4145 Yuqian Sun



Goldsmiths, University of London

Department of Computing

Intelligent narrative, digital storytelling, machine learning, virtual human, digital intimacy

Digital Capture and Visualization of Ancient Human Crania for Archaeological Interpretation 4087 Faye Olsgard

Art In Science MA

10 June 2020

Liverpool John Moores University Mark Roughley, Caroline Wilkinson

Art In Science

digital capture, archaeology, crania, visualization, non-destructive, non-invasive

The neuroscience of musical creativity using complexity tools 3747 Shama Sarwat Rahman



Imperial College London Kim Christensen, Henrik J Jensen, Joydeep Bhattacharya


Creativity Neuroscience Complexity Mathematics Brain Patterns Ideation Music Improvisation Interpretation Jazz Classical Piano