Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 113 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
The Live Electronic Processing of Sound: New Practices on Musical Variation. 4333 Adolfo Núñez



Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Yvan Nommick


Music for instruments and electroacoustic sounds, mixed music, electroacoustic music, analysis, live sound processing, real time sound processing

Imagining Responsible Data Representations - A feminist exploration of embodied techniques of representing data 4334 Nynne Lucca



Aarhus University Winnie Soon

School of Communication and Culture

data representation, intersectional feminism, imagination, it and feminism, feminist workshop, critical making, critical design, creative constraints

Baroa belaobara: berryapple 4335 Bart Vandeput (Bartaku)

Doctor of Arts


Aalto Helena Sederholm, Tere Vadén


art, plant-art, bioart, artscience, plant signaling

Curating Screens: Art, Performance, and Public Spaces 4336 Elena Papadaki



Goldsmiths University of London Janis Jefferies, Matthew Fuller

Centre for Cultural Studies & Department for Art and Computational Technology

Curating, screen-reliant media, new media, spatial politics

The materiality of digital art: practices of integration of everyday objects into sociopolitical media artworks 51287 Caterina Antonopoulou



University of the Aegean Nikos Bubaris

Department of Cultural Technology and Communication

Media art; Materiality; Object of everyday use; New media; Digital art; Critical, socially engaged, tactical art; Human - Computer interaction; Physical computing; Internet of Things; Open Technologies; Digital Commons; Networks of more-than-human entities; Sociopolitical artworks

The materiality of digital art: practices of integration of everyday objects into sociopolitical media artworks 51287 Caterina Antonopoulou



University of the Aegean Nikos Bubaris

Department of Cultural Technology and Communication

Media art; Materiality; Object of everyday use; New media; Digital art; Critical, socially engaged, tactical art; Human - Computer interaction; Physical computing; Internet of Things; Open Technologies; Digital Commons; Networks of more-than-human entities; Sociopolitical artworks