Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 11 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Arte y precariedad. Nociones. Preceptos. Apegos. Contextos. Experiencias / Art and precariousness. Notions. Precepts. Bents. Contexts. Experiences. 3938 Arturo Cancio Ferruz

Ph. D.


University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Concepción Elorza ibáñez de Gauna

Department of Art and Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts

Precariousness, art, labour market, economic activity, artistic practice, aesthetics of precariousness

Emergent Economies of Art & Technology: Modes of Making, Circulating and Organizing in the Contemporary Condition 4210 Ashley Wong



City University of Hong Kong Damien Charrieras, Linda Chui Han Lai

School of Creative Media

Art and Technology, Digital Culture, Creative Economy, Cultural Production, Sociomateriality, Postcritique

Interactive Living Space for Neo-Nomads: An Anticipatory Approach 3754 Asma Naz



The University of Texas at Dallas, Texas, USA Mihai Nadin

Arts & Technology

Human-space interaction, interactive architecture, affective space, neo-nomad, aesthetics, anticipation, adaptive, perception

Modernity and the scientific uses of design: A critical investigation in the notion of art and style of the artificial with special reference to the human antiquity controversy 1858-1908 3320 Assimina Kaniari


University of Oxford Martin Kemp

Art History

epistemology, aesthetic theory, style of the artificial, 19th century scientific controversies, human origins, palaeolithic archaeology, boundaries between natural, artificial technological

A Study of the use of Augmented Reality in Storytelling 4041 Athenkosi Musoke

Masters in Digital Art


University of Witwatersrans Ray Whitcher

School of Digital Arts

Augmented Reality; Storytelling; Storytelling; Comics ; Visual Digital Art; Narratives; Space; Communication

Other-Worlds: encounters with the visual perception of lungfishes through science and art 3626 Audrey Appudurai

Doctor of Philosophy


The University of Western Australia Ionat Zurr, Shaun P. Collin

School of Anatomy, Physiology & Human Biology, School of Animal Biology

Biological arts; Dipnoi; Colour vision; Art and science; Interdisciplinary research; Visual perception; Animal studies; Human-animal studies

Designing for the Mindbody in Technology-Mediated Music-Making 3806 Aura Pon

Doctor of Philosophy


University of Calgary Sheelagh Carpendale, Laurie Radford, Friedemann Sallis, Anthony Tang


Music, Music Technology, Mindbody, Interaction Design, Embodied Cognition, Digital Musical Instruments , New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Computer Music

Synchronization of the Imaginaries. How Machine Learning is Changing the Way We See the Globe 4112 Aurora Bertoli



IUAV, University of Architecture in Venice, Italy Emanuele Arielli

Visual Art

Machine learning, imaginary, synchronisation, aesthetics

For Money’s sake! Introducing Redefinition Design – a method to break out of the ubiquitous monetary paradigm; in the hope of finding genuine alternatives. 3909 Austin Houldsworth

PhD Thesis by Practice


Royal College of Art James Auger, Anthony dunne, Jonathan Edelman

Speculative / Critical Design

Money, Redefinition Design, Critical Design, Alternative Currency Systems

Time and space compression in cyberspace art 3476 Avi Rosen

Ph. D.


Tel Aviv University Mordechai Omer, Gila Balas, Prof, Uri Shimoni, Prof. Nitzan Ben-Shaul

Art Histort

Time-space compression cyberspace art philosophy science new-media