Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 5 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Parafiction as Method and Matter 4291 Rebecca Smith

Doctor of Philosophy


Liverpool John Moores University Colin Fallows, Joasia Krysa, Mark Wright

History of Art and Fine Art

Art History, Artistic Practice, Contemporary Art, Digital, Fiction as Method, Internet, Matter, Parafiction, Technology

Composing visual music: human traces, from an animator’s perspective 4269 Julie Watkins

Doctor of Philosophy


University of Greenwich Stephen Kennedy, Andrew Knight-Hill


visual music, abstraction, animation, affect, immersive installation, experimental film, composing

Manifestations of Conceptual Metaphor and Blending Theories in Science, Design, and Art 4243 Jack Ox

Doctor of Philosophy


Swinburne University of Technology Ken Friedman, Peter Murphy

School of Design

embodied cognition, mapping, analogy, metonymy, metaphor, conceptual blending

Infinitude: Investigating the Aesthetics of Complex Patterns through Printmaking 4162 David James Nixon

Doctor of Philosophy


Griffith University Ross Woodrow, William Platz

Queensland College of Art / Printmaking

Aesthetics; pattern; perception; printmaking; relief etchings; linocuts; synaesthesia; geometry; cosmology.

The Universe is My Laboratory 4130 Christopher Henschke

Doctor of Philosophy


Monash University Vince Dziekan, Mark Guglielmetti, Mark Boland


Art Physics Philosophy

Kazimir Malevich: Approaching the New System 4128 Irina Lyubchenko

Doctor of Philosophy


Ryerson University and York University R. Bruce Elder, Linda Dalrymple Henderson, Isabel Pedersen, Seth Feldman

Communication and Culture

Russian avant-garde, Kazimir Malevich, mathematics, fourth dimension, infinity, set theory, imaginary numbers, Cosmism, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, film, mysticism, esotericism

Biochromes: Perceptions of Australian Medicinal Plants through Experimental Photography 4105 Renata Buziak

Doctor of Philosophy


Queensland College of Art, Griffith University Assoc. Prof Marian Drew and Dr Rosemary Hawker

Fine Art Photography

Photography, Aboriginal knowledge, indigenous medicinal plants, Quandamooka, Minjerribah, North Stradbaroke Island, Australia, biochromes, experimental photography, cameraless, art-science, art, fine art, works on paper, time-lapse, natural processes, nat

Cloud computing as digital imaginary 4098 Jayn Verkerk

Doctor of Philosophy


Victoria University of Wellington Assoc. Prof Sydney Shep, Anne Niemetz


cloud computing, critical making, black boxed technology, invisible technology, digital imaginary, digital materiality, digital artefacts, physical artefacts, creative practice, data surveillance, user imaginary, Internet of things, Internet aesthetic

Art and Technology: coherence, connectedness, and the integrative field 4124 Carlos Augusto Moreira da Nóbrega

Doctor of Philosophy


University of Plymouth - UK Roy Ascott, Mike Phillips

Faculty of Arts

art, coherence, connectedness, field phenomenon, biophoton

Infinitesimal to Infinity: Ryoji Ikeda’s Data Composition and Space of Sensing 3965 Joo Yun Lee

Doctor of Philosophy


Stony Brook University, SUNY Zabet Patterson, Andrew V. Uroskie, Edward S. Casey, Margaret Schedel, and Lev Manovich

Art History and Criticism