Graduate Abstracts Database | Page 113 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Graduate Abstracts Database

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Thesis Title LABS ID Author Degree Year University Advisor(s) Department/Discipline Keywords/Fields of Study
Quality of Aesthetic Experience and Implicit Modulating Factors 3694 Wendy Ann Mansilla

Philosophiae Doctor


Norwegian University of Science and Technology Andrew Perkis, Touradj Ebrahimi,

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Model of Aesthetic Evaluation, Quotidian Aesthetics, Pleasure Technologies, Implicit Experiences, Emotional Use of Colour, Exposure Effect, Human-Computer Interaction

Neocybernetic Art or Affect and Conversation in the Animal and the Machine 3326 Guilherme Kujawski

Postgraduate student


Donau-Universität Krems Paul Pangaro

Center for Image Science / MediaArtHistories

Cybernetics, Philosophy of Technology, Radical Constructivism, Animal Studies, Perspectival Anthropology

Dynamic music: the implications of interactive technologies on popular music making 4094 Tracy Redhead

Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


The University of Newcastle Richard Vella


dynamic music; interactive technologies; reactive music; contextual music; interactive music; algorithmic music; popular music; future music; generative music; adaptive music; game audio; music composition

Ceremony of Innocence: A Case Study of the Emergent Poetics of Interactive Narrative 3184 Jim Bizzocchi

S.M. (Master of Science)


Massachusetts Institute of Technology Peter S. Donaldson, Henry Jenkins (MIT); Dr. Tom Carey (University of Waterloo)

Comparative Media Studies

interactive narrative; aesthetics; expressionism; close reading; poetics of new media; epistolary novel; Bantock; Ceremony of Innocence; CD-ROM; Griffin and Sabine; cursor; embedded narrative;

From the Subject of Anatomy to the Anatomy of the Subject 3257 Raphael Cuir



Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Yves Hersant

Histoire / histoire de l'art

anatomy - science - contemporary art -Renaissance - humanism - finalism - cartesianism

I Mirabilia, taking care of the emotional life of hospitalized children 3272 Erika Rossi

Visual and Multimedia communication


Iuav University of Venice Philip Tabor, Gillian Crampton Smith

Interaction Design

Interactive dolls, emotional life, hospitalized children, psychology