Natacha Diels | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Natacha Diels

NATACHA DIELS’s work combines choreographed movement, improvisation, video, instrumental practice and cynical play to create worlds of curiosity and unease. Recent work includes Papillon and the Dancing Cranes, for construction cranes (2018); forthcoming is a TV miniseries with the JACK quartet. With a focus on collage, collaboration and the ritual of life as art, Natacha’s compositions have been described as “a fairy tale for a fractured world” (FOCI Arts/Music We Care About). Natacha is a member of the composer/performer collective Ensemble Pamplemousse and the performance duo On Structure. She teaches composition and computer music at UC San Diego.

Journal Articles

LMJ29 Audio Companion

Sonic Commentary: Language as a Wilderness Contributors' Notes

December 2019
Articles and Notes

Art and the Uncanny: Tapping the Potential

December 2014
